Page 18 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 18

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2022

        Island Grove Chorus

         New Year’s Greetings to All…from Island Grove Chorus!

        Island Grove Chorus (IGC) has joyfully re-instituted in-person rehearsals——with everyone masked, but
        still managing to sing! (lol: feeling a bit breathless, anyone?)

        Nevertheless, IGC rehearsed diligently, and was invited to perform in the Town of Abington, MA on 12-
        17-21. That Abington Christmas Concert has turned out to be our sole community performance this
        holiday season! (Alas, for the dearth of gigs….)

        Prior to this point, IGC’s paid performances in our various area communities were a major source of
        income for us. But, as musicians of all types know, Covid-19 has caused the cancellation and/or non-
        engagement of gigs everywhere.   This has brought IGC to recognize that we must engage in outside
        fundraising, in order to sustain our budget. (Which is not extravagant, by any means…). But, to be
        optimistic: our first gig for 2022 is already pencilled in…! Let 2022 be the year to “Vanquish the Virus”.

        IGC prefers to be a “community performance chorus”, spreading the word (and songs)of women’s
        barbershop harmonies and SAI. As for outside fundraising, we shall see…! This a chance for our
        members’ other hidden talents to shine!

        IGC’s search for a new  Director  has been  ongoing  for  awhile.   We’ve already  met  and  auditioned  a
        candidate; more candidates are coming forward in 2022 to audition.  We are cautiously optimistic!  (Need
        I say, “stay  tuned”?)

                                                                                  Adelene Ellenberg


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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