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Your Time

             is Now

         O         ne day I was called into my boss’s office and told, “It’s time to hire your replacement.” My

                   knees went weak, and my brain scrambled to make sense of what was happening. I hadn’t
                   quit! I wasn’t even planning to leave my job, so had I just been fired?
                     My boss went on to say, “You’ve outgrown this role, and it’s time for you to move up in the
         organization so start figuring out what department you want to work in and post an ad for your position.”
           WOW! I was being fired and promoted at the same time.
           Are you fortunate enough to have found a mentor in your life that made such
         an impact that you are still unpacking all of their lessons? For me, it was this
         particular boss.
           The truth was I had outgrown the job, but I liked it and it was comfortable.

         Have you outgrown parts of your life that are still comfortable and that
         you’re good at? Has anyone come along and said, “Hey you, it’s time
         to grow!”  For most of us it’s easier to remain stuck in mediocrity
         than it is to step into the unknown. Until that day you find yourself
         looking in the bathroom mirror and thinking, “I thought I’d be
         further ahead in life by now!” Or you find yourself driving home
         from work wondering, “Isn’t there more to life than this?”
           If this is you, please listen: you are designed for greatness. You
         are not designed for mediocrity. You are meant to say yes to your
         dreams and desires, and you are meant to grow, always. Your
         life is in your hands. The time is now.
           Twenty years ago, I stood in my boss’s office, finally
         realizing that he was encouraging me to build
         the foundation for growth and to never stay too
         comfortable for too long. This set me up for a
         wonderful, varied career full of growth, impact,
         challenges, and successes.
           As a mindset expert and transformational coach
         since 2014, I help people discover their passion and
         purpose and step into a life they love living using a
         proven, reliable, repeatable system of transformation.
           Are you ready for more of what you love in your
         life? Are you ready to grow? Are you ready to
         discover your passion and purpose and live a life
         you love? If you are ready to transform, let’s have
         a conversation about where you’re at, where you
         want to go, and what your best next steps are to
         living a life you love.
                                 Irene Lay Photography

              STACEY BERGER

     I  587-983-3911                                     WOMEN IN PROCESS 17
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