Page 5 - LTHC Publics Catalog, Spring 2018 Update
P. 5
LTHC Homeless Services is a non-profit organization which began in 1989 to develop
housing. LTHC offers supportive services and other opportunities to foster self-suffi-
ciency for the people experiencing homelessness, particularly families with children.
LTHC Homeless Services The purpose of LTHC is to find homes for individu-
als and families who are experiencing homelessness. This organization is the
single point of entry for all such persons in our community which means
that once guests arrive at LTHC, they are immediately assessed by an
Intake Case Manager and connected with the community services that
best suit their needs.
When a person is experiencing homelessness, they are referred to a LTHC Case
Manager who works with them to develop a Housing Stability Plan, customized
to their needs. While participating in Case Management Services, LTHC guests may be linked to a shelter, employment
opportunities, care for mental and physical health, transportation, and childcare resources. Additionally, meals are
served daily at LTHC, located Howarth Center near the intersection of Union and 18th Streets in Lafayette. LTHC
also offers showers, laundry, day sleeping space, storage, and mail service.
People who are experiencing homelessness can be placed into the Rapid Re-Housing Program which includes case
management and financial assistance to promote long-term housing success. The Supportive Services for Veteran
Families Program provides help to vets and their families in Tippecanoe and surrounding counties.
Currently, LTHC provides permanent supportive housing to 48 individuals at two locations and 11 families at another
site. Individuals and families in permanent supportive housing have their own apartment and access to on-site case
management. These sites also offer space for outside mental health, addiction and medical health providers to provide
services to residents.
LTHC Homeless Services receives funding through a variety of sources, including: Department of Housing and
Urban Development, United Way of Greater Lafayette, Veteran’s Administration, Community Development Block
Grant through both Lafayette and West Lafayette, and private donations and fundraisers.