Page 7 - LTHC Publics Catalog, Spring 2018 Update
P. 7

HOMELESSNESS                                 in the          UNITED STATES

                                                     On a single night in the United States in 2016, over 549,000 people
              Between 2015 and 2016,                 were experiencing homelessness. However, Between 2015 and 2016,
                                                     the number of people experiencing homelessness decreased by three
                 the number of people                percent because of an increase in sheltered locations. In America,
            experiencing homelessness                over  one-fifth  of  people  experiencing  homelessness  are  children.

            decreased by three percent               Fifty percent of people experiencing homelessness are men, while
             because of an increase in               40  percent  are  women. California has the  highest  percentage  of
                 sheltered locations.                homelessness while Rhode Island has the lowest.
                                                     In terms of the different definitions of what characterizes homeless-
                                                     ness, chronically homeless individuals have a disability, have been
        homeless for one year, and have experienced at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years. Luckily, the
        number of individuals experiencing chronic homelessness nationwide decreased 27 percent between 2010 and 2016.

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