Page 10 - LTHC Publics Catalog, Spring 2018 Update
P. 10


                                            counties, and 1 percent lived in outlying counties.
            More than one in five
            households with less            Shelter in Tippecanoe County is impacted  by  homelessness, affordable
                                            housing, and emergency shelters. Personal need for affordable housing was
          than $40,000 in income            high in the low income group who responded to the survey. More than one in
             reported a need for            five of those with an income of $40,000 or less indicated a need for affordable
             affordable housing.            housing. The County Health Ranking data lists Tippecanoe County as having
                                            at least 1 of 4 housing problems: lack of kitchen facilities, lack of plumbing
        facilities, overcrowding, and high housing costs. HUD statistics show that 13,320 households in Tippecanoe expe-
        rience this issue. Due to the University and high demand for housing from the student population, it is likely that
        overcrowding occurs.

        Homelessness not only affects adults, but children too. Tippecanoe School Corporation reported 71 homeless
        children in their 2013-2014 school year in February of 2017.

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