Page 11 - BarrandBarr_Academic Portfolio
P. 11
UMass Amherst
Integrative Learning Center
178,000 square feet UMass Amherst
(DCAMM project)
Construction Manager-at-Risk ARCHITECT
Th is is the fi rst new out of the ground non-science pure academic building • Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset
built on campus in the last 15 years. Th e four story Integrative Learning Management & Maintenance (DCAMM)
funded project.
Center consists of a mix of department faculty offi ce space, teaching labs,
long distance learning classrooms, a fully operational Broadcast Studio, • OSHA Partnership with the U.S. Labor
Black Box Journalism Studio and classrooms. Th ere are specialized rooms Department to emphasize employee training
and an ongoing commitment to partner with
for fi lm editing, fi lm screening, speech perception, computer labs and
all subcontractors to identify and eliminate any
auditory phonetics labs. Th e classroom space consists of 17 high technology
hazards before they become an issue.
classrooms and lecture halls with a total capacity of over 2,000 seats. Th e
• Building Information Modeling (BIM) was
AV systems are state-of-the-art which is showcased in every teaching lab,
utilized for clash detection, constructability review
classroom space, lecture hall and fi lm screening rooms etc. Th e project
as well as MEP and Architectural coordination.
also included a signifi cant utility corridor component that created a It was also utilized for 4D construction
bypass loop for steam, chilled water, electric and telecommunication. sequencing/scheduling analysis.
Th e project also included the removal and replacement of the dike and
• A high standard of sustainability includes natural
spillway for the Campus Pond. Working the requirements of the Corp lighting, automatic lighting controls, energy
of Engineers and the local conservation commission was accomplished effi cient HVAC system including heat-recovery
seamlessly resulting in an on time and under budget project. system and low fl ow plumbing fi xtures. LEED
Gold certifi cation.
• Extensive site coordination due to the project’s
location in the heart of the UMass Amherst
campus adjacent to the Campus Center, Student
Union, the Campus Pond and the Hasbrouk
Research Laboratory.