Page 7 - BarrandBarr_Academic Portfolio
P. 7

Rutgers University

                                           New Chemistry and Chemical Biology Building

           SIZE                    OWNER
           145,000 square feet     Rutgers University
           CONTRACT TYPE           ARCHITECT
           Construction Manager-at-Risk  Flad Architects

                                                                      PROJECT DETAILS
           Th  is new four story  (above grade) Chemistry and Chemical Biology,       •   Th  e ground fl oor houses fl exible classrooms,
           with a basement and penthouse, will house classrooms, administration   administration offi  ces and a 120 seat auditorium.
           offi  ces, research laboratories and a 120 seat auditorium.  Th e lobby   Th  e lobby doubles as a presentation and
           doubles as a presentation and gathering space and the  basement includes   gathering space.
           specialty imaging facilities.                                  •   Research laboratories and related offi  ce on
                                                                           three upper fl oors include synthetic organic
           Th  e structure consists of a concrete wide module joist system and includes   and inorganic chemistry; physical organic and
           architecturally exposed concrete at laboratories, stairways and other   analytical chemistry; and physical, biological
           interior locations. Th  e mechanical penthouse has steel framing members.  and materials chemistry.
                                                                          •  Shared specialty imaging facilities are located
           Th  e Exterior Envelop materials include curtainwall, terracotta rain   in the basement. Specialized environmental
           screen, composite metal panel, precast and dimension stone cladding.  requirements include EMI mitigation, vibration
                                                                           isolation, acoustics, temperature and humidity
                                                                          •   Air handlers, energy recovery units and
                                                                           exhaust fans are located at the penthouse level.
                                                                           Plumbing and electrical systems are located in
                                                                           the basement
                                                                          •   Th  e project is targeting LEED Gold
                                                                           Certifi cation
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