Page 264 - Girona, de Carlemany al feudalisme (785-1057). El trànsit de la ciutat antiga a l’època medieval (II)
P. 264

alta edad media, como la decadencia de las posesiones condales en provecho de las reli-
                     giosas o la estabilidad de algunos linajes laicos en el gobierno del territorio.
                        Vegueria y Valle en el condado de Gerona. Continuidad y cambio de las estructuras
                     territoriales y de su gobierno entre la antigüedad tardía y el siglo XL En gran medida,
                     las estructuras territoriales intermedias existentes en la época carolingia —la villa y el Valle
                     o vicaría—, experimentaron crisis y transformaciones en provecho de la parroquia y el
                     castrum a partir del siglo XI. Se trata de un estudio particularmente interesante porque
                     hace referencia a un nivel intermedio que nos informa sobre el protagonismo creciente
                     de la nobleza territorial.

                     Girona from Charlemagne to feudalism. the transition of an

                     ancient city to the medieval era (785-1057). (Second  part)

                        If the reader had the opportunity and the patience  to read the first volume of this
                     book, he would have found a text organized into six chapters. The first  is a specifically
                     historical one —a history of the city over three centuries—, while the five following ones
                     focus on territorial and urban development issues —firstly the suburbs, the  valls and the
                     interior of the city, and tiren moving  on to the towns within its sphere of influence. There
                     is no doubt that this work has helped us to unravel many of the keys to the develop-
                     ment and the transformation of a city in the Early Middle Ages, between the eighth and
                     eleventh centuries.
                        But it is also certain that as we progressed through this study a series of aspects and
                     concepts were revealed, which were marginalized or limited due to the very nature of the
                     study. Institutions, lineages and characters, social, economic, and political events,  or admi-
                     nistrative units and structures that appeared only occasionally and tangentially in the first
                     volume, and always in relation to the general approach of the text, progressively acquired
                     a greater relevance; it became clear that a more specific development was necessary.
                        On the other hand, it turned out that the very elaboration of the first volume opened
                     up new reflections and perspectives on general aspects of the period that were not envi-
                     saged when we carried out the initial general plan. For example, the study of local admi-
                     nistrative bodies, such as Celrà and Fornells —once they were integrated into the gene-
                     ral evolutionary framework of the whole territory—, offered the possibility to go into
                     more depth on certain questions. In the case of Celrà, there was the evolution of the
                     administrative and tax regime towards the feudal estates, while in the case of  Fornells it
                     was the formation of castral domains. Likewise, an analysis of the principal religious ins-
                     titutions, such as the joint episcopal headquarters of Saint Mary's and Saint Felix's, could
                     be enriched with a more specific study, especially in the second case. Thus its constitu-
                     tion as a canonical abbey could be clarified with the contributions obtained from some
                     of the results of the first volume. We could also go into more depth  on the conflicte and
                     changes in the power relationships between the institutional figures that participated in
                     the government, such as counts and bishops, or on a second rung, the noblemen, abbots
                     and canons. As for the consequences for the city per se, a knowledge of the territorial
                     units has made us aware of its administrative boundaries. Similarly, the analysis of the
                     new structures born out of what became known as the "feudal revolution" of the mid-
                     eleventh century has allowed for the clarification of those characteristics of new forms
                     of power that were articulated at that time. Neither can we forget the key years at the
                     end of the eighth century, when Girona was situated on the border of the Christian and
                     Moslem worlds, with all that this implied for topographical and geostrategic changes.
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