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and thereby achieve the system goal. Such interactions may lead
                  to synergy or discord. Each actor has a role in the performance of the
                  technical system and also personal values, motivations, and skills

                  (human, social, and technical) that underpin his or her interactions
                  with other agents and influence choices and decisions. The sum total
                  of the agents/actors, their characteristics, and interactions, plus the

                  effectiveness of the structure within which they operate can be
                  considered abstractly as 'endogenous energy'. This to be distinguished
                  from 'exogenous energy' e.g., inputs from the marketplace

                  Hierarchy:  In order to perform work, all systems are
                  hierarchical, distinguishing between system-level integration

                  functions and task functions performed by the mass of agents. This is
                  an inalienable reality of all systems and arises from the very definition
                  of a system as a collection of interacting parts; it must by definition

                  have at least a 'parts' level that performs work and a system level to
                  represent the grouping. The larger the system (number of agents,
                  geographic spread) the greater the number of levels in the hierarchy

                  needed to coordinate work. This natural aspect of all systems becomes,
                  in human-based business systems, bound up with human issues of
                  power, which expresses itself in such realities of corporate life as
                  power, command and control, and office politics

                  Downward Causation:  For a system as a whole to survive, system-

                  wide interests must override individual agent interests. This is
                  called downward causation.  If this alignment of interests fails the
                  system will lose coherence and will likely die.  Downward causation is
                  a universal phenomenon of complexity and systems. Inside a business

                  system, it is in the interests of all the agents for the firm to survive.
                  The socially-accepted existence of operational hierarchy (frozen into a
                  power structure) and the acceptance that the interests of the whole

                  must prevail is what has up until recently underpinned the command
                  structure inside traditional organizations. However, acceptance of the
                  need for the system-level interests to prevail begs the question of how
                  system-level interests are formulated. Historically, the system's

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