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P. 12
transferred from one ball to Maxwell’s Equations
another. The first ball will slow if
not stop altogether after impact James Maxwell and a host of others
while the second one zooms away. worked to form new ideas that
formed a new branch of physics
Third Law: For every action
there is an equal and opposite called Electricity & Magnetism.
reaction. Another way of saying Maxwell’s First Equation:
this is that forces come in pairs. If Electrical charge is a
you push against the wall, the wall fundamental property
pushes back against you with the of matter. Like charges
same about of push (force). A repel, and opposite
rocket fires a flame out the back charges attract. A balloon
which pushes it forward. rubbed on your hair collects a
negative static charge as electrons
Law of Gravitation: Every object are collected on the balloon. These
attracts another with a force negative charges attract the
that depends on both their positive charges in your hair and
masses and the distance
between them. your hair stands up when the
balloon is brought close.
Newton realized that the circular Maxwell’s Second Equation: All
motion of the planets and the magnets have two poles. Like
apple falling from the tree are
really the same thing. (Whether he poles repel, opposite poles attract.
was hit on the head with the apple North attracts the South pole of a
bar magnet.
first is still up for debate.)
Maxwell’s Third Equation:
Further, he guessed that all objects Invisible fields exert forces on
have an attraction to each other.
charges and magnets. You can
He was on his way to prove this have an electric field or a magnetic
idea when he ran into a road block field (or both).
– the math he needed to prove his Drop a magnet into
idea about gravitation did not yet
exist. So he invented a branch of a pile of iron filings,
Mathematics (called Calculus) in and you’ll find the
filing arrange
order to figure out his law of themselves to show
gravitation. More on this in Unit 1.
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