Page 13 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 13

you the magnetic field lines around                of wire (or your electromagnet nail
               the magnet.                                        used previously), and you’ll
                                                                  measure a pulse of electricity.
               You detect an electric field when
               you have a bad hair day! But
               here’s another way:

                                       Place an object

                                       that is sensitive
                                       to electrical
                                       charges (like a
                                       light) in an
                                       electrical field
                                       (you can do this
                                       by vigorously
               rubbing the outside of a long                      Electromagnetic Waves were first

               fluorescent light with a plastic                   predicted by James Maxwell. He
               bag), and you’ll find the fluorescent              suggested when the magnetic
               tube lights up without having it                   fields produce electrical fields,
               being plugged in!                                  those emerging electrical fields
                                                                  generated magnetic fields, which
               Maxwell’s Fourth Equation:  A                      then created electrical fields… and
               moving electric charge                             continue to create each other,

               produces magnetism.                                leap-frogging their way through
                                                                  space. He calculated the speed
               When you wrap a wire around a                      those waves would travel at and
                                 nail and run electric            was surprised to find it was the
                                 current through the              speed of light! Maxwell concluded
                                 wire, the nail-coil              that light must be an

                                 turns into a magnet              electromagnetic wave traveling
                                 (you can even pick               at speed c (c = 186,000 miles per
                                 up paper clips!). It’s           second), which created a new field
               called an electromagnet, as you                    of study called optical science, now
               can turn the magnet on and off by                  a branch of electromagnetism.
               switching the electricity on and off.
                                                                  We’ll cover more on magnetism in
               Changing magnetic fields produce                   Unit 11, and how to make circuits
               electric fields. Wave a permanent                  in Units 10 and 14.
               magnet back and forth along a coil

               © 2011 Supercharged Science                                          Page 13

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