Page 17 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 17

they move. It’s one of the wacky                   water and use
               things about electrons.                            the energy
                                                                  generated by this
               Atoms differ from one another by                   combination to
               how many protons, neutrons, and                    power a motor.
               electrons they have in them.                       It takes energy to

                                                                  split apart the
               Elements are specific kinds of
               atoms. Every atom is a type of                     molecules, and the chemical
               element.                                           reaction of recombining the atoms
                                                                  into a new molecule generated
               There are over 112 elements.                       energy. Matter and energy are
               Ninety of which are found                          two sides of the same coin
               naturally. Twelve different                        (more on this soon when we get to
               elements are the major ingredients                 E=mc ).
               of over 90% of all matter.
                                                                  Electrons are as small as you can
               Five different elements are the                    get (we call particles we can’t split
               major ingredients of all living                    apart any further ‘elementary
               things. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,                  particles’). Electrons don’t orbit
               Nitrogen, and Calcium are the five                 nuclei. They pop in and pop out of

               main elements that make up all                     existence. Electrons do tend to
               living matter.                                     stay at a certain distance from a
                                                                  nucleus. This area that the electron
               Most atoms come from stars and                     tends to stay in is called a shell.
               have been around since the
               beginning of time.                                 The electrons
                                                                  move so fast
               Atoms get used, and reused again                   around the shell
               and again as things change over                    that the shell
               time. Atoms, which is to say                       forms a balloon
               matter, cannot be created or                       like ball around
               destroyed, only changed into                       the nucleus.

               another form.
                                                                  An atom can have as many as
               You can split apart the water                      seven shells. The number of
               molecule into separate tubes of                    electrons an atom has determines
               hydrogen and oxygen using a                        how many shells it has. A shell can
               battery. You can then recombine                    only hold so many electrons.

               the hydrogen and oxygen back into                  Atoms are “satisfied” if they have a

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