Page 19 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 19

Energy                                             Imagine your cup of hot coffee on
                                                                  a cold morning… which way does

               There are many different kinds                     the heat flow? Does your coffee get
               of energy: kinetic, potential,                     warmer or cooler over time?
               elastic, chemical, nuclear,                        Gravitational potential energy is
               electrical, mechanical, thermal...
                                                                  the amount of energy something

               Energy can be transferred, in other                has due to its height above the
               words it can be changed from one                   ground. The higher it is and more
               form to another and from one                       mass it has the more gravitational
               object to another.                                 potential energy it has.

               First Law of Thermodynamics:                       Kinetic energy is energy of

               Energy cannot be created or                        motion. The faster something is
               destroyed in a closed system. A                    moving and/or the more massive it
               system is the place the energy is                  is the more kinetic energy it has.
               happening in.
                                                                  Imagine a ball dropping and hitting
               The terms hot, cold, warm etc.                     the floor. If the system is closed,

               describe what physicists call                      that means no energy can get in or
               thermal energy. Thermal energy                     escape from the system. The
               is how much the molecules are                      energy the ball started with is the
               moving inside an object. The                       same energy it hit the floor with
               faster molecules move, the                         and transferred to the floor at
               more thermal energy that                           impact. No energy was created or
               object has.                                        destroyed, just transferred within
                                                                  the system.
               Heat is the movement of thermal
               energy from one object to another.                 Now here’s a question you may be
                                                                  asking yourself, “If energy is
               Second law of thermodynamics:                      neither created nor destroyed in a

               Heat can only flow from an                         closed system then why doesn’t a
               object of a higher temperature                     kid swinging on the playground
               to an object of a lower                            swing go forever?
               temperature. Heat can be
               transferred from one object to                     Energy is neither created nor
               another through conduction,                        destroyed, but it can be transferred
               convection and radiation.                          into non-useful energy. In the case
                                                                  of the swinging kid (picture a
                                                                  pendulum), every swing loses a

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