Page 18 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 18
full outer shell or if they have a Materials change from one state to
multiple of eight electrons in their another depending on the
outer shell. If an atom is not temperature and these bonds.
“satisfied” it will gladly share
electrons with other atoms forming Changing from a solid to a liquid is
molecules. We’ll cover more on this called melting. When enough
energy is added to a solid, the
in Units 3 and 8.
atoms start vibrating so hard that
they jiggle loose from the solid
structure into a liquid form.
States of Matter Changing from a liquid to a gas is
called boiling, evaporating, or
There are five states of matter: vaporizing. When more energy is
Solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and BEC. added to the liquid, the top layer
Since BEC is only found at very vibrates even faster and breaks
unusual places in special free of the liquid state atoms to
laboratories, we’ll outline the four float off in a gaseous state.
more common states of matter.
Changing from a gas to a liquid is
Solids have strong, stiff bonds called condensation. When you pull
between molecules that hold the enough energy from a substance,
molecules in place. you slow down the molecules
enough that they start to link up
Liquids have loose, stringy bonds
between molecules that hold with each other.
molecules together but allow them Changing from a liquid to a solid is
some flexibility. called freezing. When enough
energy is pulled from the system,
Gasses have no bonds between the
molecules. the atoms (or molecules) lock into
place with strong bonds.
Plasma is similar to gas but the
molecules are very highly We’ll discover more about matter
energized. The molecules in this and the bonds that hold it together
state are moving around so fast (including how to break them!) in
that they are knocking electrons off Units 3, 8, and 15.
each other, which ionizes the gas
(gives the molecules in the gas an
electrical charge).
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