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P. 20
little bit of energy, which is why stuff around. While lower pressure
each swing goes slightly less high does not “pull,” we think of higher
than the swing before it. pressure as a “push”. The higher
pressure inside a balloon pushes
Where does that energy go? To outward and keeps the balloon in a
heat. The second law of round shape.
thermodynamics states basically
that eventually all energy ends up When air moves quickly, it doesn’t
as heat. If you could measure it, have time to push on a nearby
you’d find that the string, and the surface, such as an airplane wing.
weight have a slightly higher The air just zooms by, barely
temperature then they did when having time to touch the surface,
they started due to friction. so not much air weight gets put on
the surface. Less weight means
Elastic Potential Energy is the less force on the area, which really
energy stored by stretching or means less pressure.
compressing something. If you
take a rubber band and stretch it Bermoulli’s Principle: Fast moving
out, you’re storing more energy in air creates low pressure
that rubber band. We’ll cover more regions. There’s a reason airplane
on this in Units 4 and 5. wings are rounded on top and flat
on the bottom. The rounded top
wing surface makes the air rush by
faster than if it were flat.
Airplanes are When you put your thumb over the
Heavier than Air… end of a gardening hose, the water
How Do They Fly? comes out faster when you
decrease the size of the opening.
There’s air surrounding us The same thing happens to the air
everywhere, all at the same above the wing: the wind rushing
pressure of 14.7 pounds per by the wing has less space now
square inch (psi). (Remember the that the wing is curved, so it zips
ping pong ball experiment earlier?) over the wing faster, and creates a
lower pressure area than the air at
An interesting thing happens when
you change a pocket of air the bottom of the wing. The faster
pressure – things start to move. air travels over a surface, the less
Higher pressure always pushes
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