Page 16 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 16

start whizzing around faster and                   If you magnified the atom to be
               faster.  Temperature is basically                  the size of the earth, then nucleus
               a speedometer for molecules.                       would be the size of a basketball at
               The faster they are wiggling and                   the center of the earth and the first
               jiggling, the higher the                           electron shell would be on the

               temperature and the higher the                     surface of the earth. An atom is
               thermal energy that object has.                    mostly empty space!

               If we lower the temperature, the                   Atoms rarely hang
               ping pong balls move more slowly.                  out alone. They
               The push the wall feels from each                  join together in

               ball add up to equal the total                     groups from two to
               pressure on the wall by the balls.                 millions of atoms.
               The faster the balls move around,                  H 2O for example is
               the more pushes the wall feels.                    made up of two
               This means the higher the                          hydrogen atoms
               temperature, the higher the                        and one oxygen
               pressure.                                          atom.

               If we keep the temperature                         Atoms are made of three basic
               constant but instead shrink the size               particles: neutrons, protons, and
               of the room in half, the balls also                electrons. Neutrons and protons
               move more quickly. When the                        are made up of smaller particles
               volume of a gas decreases, the                     called quarks (more on this in Unit
               temperature and pressure                           7).
               increase. More on this in Unit 13.
                                                                                             and protons
                                                                                             are together
               The Atom                                                                      in the
                                                                                             middle of
                                                                                             the atom
               All matter is made of atoms. An
               atom is the smallest part of stable                                           and make
               matter.                                                                       up the
                                                                  nucleus of the atom. Electrons

               If you magnify an apple to be the                  move around the nucleus. They
               size of the earth, the atoms inside                don’t “orbit” the nucleus. Next
               would be the size of an apple.                     lesson we will talk more about how

               © 2011 Supercharged Science                                          Page 16

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