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P. 128
Unit 4: Energy (Part 1) Page 7
Lesson 2: Pulleys
When we played with levers we · Pulleys, like all simple
could see that, by using a simple machines, sacrifice distance
machine, we were able to use less for force. The more distance
the effort moves, the less
force to move a heavy object than
force is needed to lift the
we would have had to use if we
didn’t use a simple machine. We
· Simple machines give you
also saw that with that lessening of
mechanical advantage.
force came an increase in distance.
· Mechanical advantage is
Obviously, you can only make a simply how many times
lever so long. After a while it gets easier it is to lift an object
kind of ridiculous. Imagine lifting a using a simple machine.
concrete block or a car with a Officially, mechanical
advantage is the factor by
lever. That’s a big lever and you
which a mechanism
probably still wouldn’t be able to
multiplies the force put into
lift the car very high. This is where it. A simple machine with a
pulleys come in. Are you ready? mechanical advantage of 100
Let’s get going. could lift a 100 pound load
with the effort of one pound.
Highlights for Solids:
· The pulley is a very powerful
simple machine.
· A major job of simple
machines is to decrease the
force needed to move
· Flag poles, fishing rods,
cranes, window blinds, and
wishing wells all have
· The more pulleys that are
rigged together, the more
effective a pulley system can
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