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Unit 4: Energy (Part 1)                                                                Page 11

               Sure enough after several days,                    Highlights for Simple
               Archimedes created a system of                     Machines
               levers and pulleys that allowed him
               to move the boat by himself...with
               one hand.                                          Most folks say there are six simple
                                                                  machines. They are the inclined
                                                                  plane, the wheel and axle, the
               According to one version of the
               story, the king did not believe that               lever, the pulley, the wedge, and
               Archimedes was doing it on his                     the screw.
               own and that there must be some
               trick. Archimedes said, “Okay, you                 All machines with moving parts are
                                                                  made up of simple machines.
               do it.” The king hesitantly gave it a
               try and sure enough, in front of a
                                                                  A machine is any device that
               huge crowd, the king moved the
               ship. At that point, the king                      transmits or modifies energy.
               shouted out, “From this day forth,
                                                                  Simple machines are often used to
               Archimedes is to be believed in
                                                                  reduce the amount of force it takes
               everything that he may say”.
                                                                  to move something.
               Archimedes was an unbelievable
               scientist and mathematician. There                 Work in equals work out. Although
                                                                  as you’ll see later, work out is
               are many terrific stories
                                                                  always less due some work being
               surrounding his life and
               discoveries. I would highly                        lost to heat and sound.
               recommend taking the time to look                  Simple machines usually sacrifice
               into him a bit further.
                                                                  distance for force. The amount the
                                                                  effort moves is much more then
               The Lever
                                                                  the amount the load moves.
                                                                  However, the force the effort needs
               So what is this lever thing anyway?                to push with to move the load is
               Well, at it’s most basic level, it’s a             much less.
               stick and a rock...pretty simple
               machine huh? The lever is made up                  Levers have three different parts.
               of two parts, the lever (the stick                 The lever, the load and the effort.
               part) and the fulcrum (the rock
               part). Believe it or not, using this               There are three different kinds of
               very simple machine you can lift                   levers.
               hundreds of pounds with your bare
               hands and very little effort.                      A first-class lever is a lever in
                                                                  which the fulcrum is located in
                                                                  between the effort and the load.

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