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Unit 4: Energy (Part 1)                                                                Page 12

               In a second-class lever, the load is               close to the Syracuse walls,
               between the fulcrum and the                        Archimedes’ crane would grab
               effort.                                            them and turn them over! Go
               The third-class lever has the effort
               between the load and the fulcrum.                  Mechanical Advantage

               The Pulley                                         There’s one more thing I’d like to
                                                                  add here, is the concept of
               When we                                            mechanical advantage. The
               played with                                        definition of mechanical advantage
               levers we                                          is that it is the factor by which a
               could see that,                                    mechanism multiplies the force put
               by using a                                         into it. The whole idea behind
               simple                                             simple machines is that they give
               machine, we                                        you an advantage. In other words,
               were able to                                       they help you do things more
               use less force to move a heavy                     easily.
               object than we would have had to
               use if we didn’t use a simple                      The nice thing about pulleys is that
               machine. We also saw that with                     it is very easy to see the
               that lessening of force came an                    mechanical advantage. You noticed
               increase in distance.                              when you used one pulley that it
                                                                  took about the same amount of
               Obviously, you can only make a                     effort to lift the load. That would be
               lever so long. After a while it gets               a mechanical advantage of one.
               kind of ridiculous. Imagine lifting a              However, when you used two
               concrete block or a car with a                     pulleys, half the effort lifted the
               lever. That’s a big lever and you                  load. You only had to pull half as
               probably still wouldn’t be able to                 hard to lift the load. The pulleys
               lift the car very high. This is where              doubled your strength. In this
               pulleys come in.                                   case, the mechanical advantage is
               By the use of a pulley (otherwise
               known as a block and tackle), car                  Can you guess what the
               mechanics lift 600 lb car engines                  mechanical advantage was of three
               with one hand! Cranes that lift                    pulleys? Yup, three. The pulleys
               steel girders and thousand pound                   tripled your strength. Who needs
               air conditioning units are basically               exercise when you have pulleys?
               pulleys! (By the way, Archimedes
               is credited for inventing the crane.               So, you ready to do some weight
               He actually used a crane as a                      lifting? The best way to learn about
               weapon to defend Syracuse from                     this is to actually try it out. Let’s
               Rome. When the Roman ships got

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