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Unit 4: Energy (Part 1)                                                                Page 9

               It takes about 66 Newtons to lift a                Work is not that’s force
               15 pound bowling ball and it would                 that can be difficult. Imagine
               take a 250 pound linebacker about                  getting up a ten step flight of stairs
               1000 Newtons to lift himself up the                without a set of stairs. Your legs
               stairs! So, if you lifted an apple                 don’t have the strength/force for
               one meter (about 3 feet) into the                  you to jump up, you’d have to
               air you would have exerted one                     climb up or find a ladder or a rope.
               Joule of energy to do it.                          The stairs allow you to, slowly but
                                                                  surely, lift yourself from the
               The calorie is generally used to talk              bottom to the top.
               about heat energy and you may be
               a bit more familiar with it due to                                         Now imagine
               food and exercise. A calorie is the                                        you are riding
               amount of energy it takes to heat                                          your bike and
               one gram of water one degree                                               a friend of
               Celsius. Four Joules are about one                                         yours is
               calorie. (Note - when most people                                          running beside
               talk about calories, they refer to                                         you. Who’s got
               Calories with a capital C (AKA                                             the tougher
               'kCal' or kilo-calories) which is                  job? Your friend right? You could
               1,000 calories.  For example, if a                 go for many miles on your bike but
               soda has 160 Calories, it has                      your friend will tire out after only a
               160,000 calories!)                                 few miles. The bike is easier
                                                                  (requires less force) to do as much
               Who Cares?!                                        work as the runner has to do.

               We spent a lot of time on this                     Now here’s an important point, you
               strange concept called work. Work                  and your friend do about the same
               happens when something moves a                     amount of work. You also do the
               distance against a force.                          same amount of work when you go
               Swell...who cares?! Well, believe it               up the stairs verses climbing up
               or not, this is truly one of the most              the rope. The work is the same,
               useful concepts in physics. I’m                    but the force needed to make it
               willing to bet you spend a lot of                  happen is much different. Don’t
               your time moving things a distance                 worry if that doesn’t make sense
                                                                  now. As we move forward, it will
               against a force.
                                                                  become clearer.
               Do you ever climb stairs, walk, ride
               a bicycle, or lift a fork to your                  Highlights for Energy
               mouth to eat? Of course you do.
               Each one of those things requires                  Energy is the ability to do work.
               you to move something a distance
               against a force. You’re using                      Work is moving something against
               energy and you’re doing work.                      a force over a distance.

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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