Page 16 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 16
Truth to Teach (Source)
Hebrews 13:8 ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.’
To introduce future tense verbs
To distinguish between past, present and future tense verbs
Every sentence has a subject and a verb.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review previous work on verbs.
2. Talk about every sentence having at least two words – a subject (a noun or a word
replacing a noun) and a verb.
3. Read the above verse and ask the children to think of verbs to describe things Jesus
did in the past and the present. List these in a table on the board with three columns
– past, present and future.
E.g. Past tense verbs - came, healed, prayed, taught, travelled, served, loved
Present tense verbs – heals, prays, listens, loves, cares, answers, speaks
4. Introduce the future tense of verbs by asking the children what Jesus will do in the
future, e.g. will return, will rescue, will gather. Read Revelation 7:17 and identify the
future verbs. Talk about the word ‘will’ often being in front of future verbs.
5. Remind the children of how to use the word ‘Yesterday …’ for past tense verbs,
‘Today…’ for present tense verbs and ‘Tomorrow …’ for future tense verbs.
Let them give lots of examples to ensure they understand the three tenses.
6. Let them use their Bibles to find different tense verbs to fit into the table on the
worksheet or else into a table they have drawn in their books.
7. Gather back to share their work.
8. End by thanking God for sending Jesus to earth to be such an example to us and do
so many special things.