Page 12 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 12


        Truth to Teach (Source)

             1 Peter 2:17     ‘Show proper respect to everyone: …’

              Speech marks highlight people’s speech in the written word.

              People should respect what other people say even if they disagree.

              Even though punctuation marks are small they are very important in bringing order to
               written English.

        Way to Work (Means)

             1.  Review the previous lesson on speech marks from the Autumn Term.

             2.  Read a passage from a story book with and without speech marks to illustrate that

                although punctuation marks, such as speech marks are small, they are very important
                in bringing order to written English, e.g. the first page of Chapter 8 of ‘The Lion, the
                Witch and the Wardrobe’ by CS Lewis, ISBN 0-00-674058-8.

            3.  Give examples of speech marks used in sentences where the speech precedes the

                name of the speaker, e.g.

                       “Where are you going?” asked Charlotte.
                       “This is fantastic!” yelled Jack.
                       “I am going now,” said the boy.

            4.  Remind the children of speech marks in sentences where the speaker is put first, e.g.

                       Mum said, “Here is your dinner.”
                       Dad asked, “Where is your ball?”

                       Aunty Sue screamed, “Stop!”

            5.  Give the children the worksheet to consolidate the teaching on speech marks.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.  The children should be further equipped to use speech marks in their written work as
                well as to recognise them in written prose and poetry, thus reading with expression.

            2.  They should see the need to respect other people’s opinions even if they disagree
                with them.

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