Page 9 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 9
Truth to Teach (Source)
Past tense verbs are doing or being words which are in the past.
Distinguishing between present and past tense verbs.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lesson.
2. Give each child a picture of an animal, object, plant or a person. Ask them to make up
a sentence with one verb in about their picture, e.g. The plant grows. The plant needs
light. Alternatively, put six objects at the front of the class for children to make up
sentences about.
Let each child share the sentence whilst the others put up their hand as soon as they
hear the verb in the sentence.
3. Talk about verbs being in the present and the past tense. Some children may find it
helpful to begin sentences containing past tense verbs with the words ‘Yesterday I…’
and present tense verbs with ‘Today I …’.
4. Let them think up two more sentences about their pictures, one in the past tense and
one in the present. If the class is larger, half the class could think up sentences with
past tense verbs and the other half with present tense verbs.
Share these with the class putting up their hand as soon as they hear a verb.
5. Sentences could be written on the board in the present tense for the children to
change into the past tense.
6. Completing number 5 in their books may be sufficient for some children whilst others
may complete the worksheet.
Some children may have time to write some past tense sentences for their friends to
change into present tense sentences.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children should be able to distinguish between past and present tense verbs.