Page 5 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 5


        The number of words each child is given will depend upon their ability.

        Spring Term Part 1
               Week 1           Week 2          Week 3          Week 4           Week 5          Week 6

               Just add          Verb           Verbs -         Days of         Prefix ‘un’
                ‘ing’ to       prefixes         doubling          week             undo
                verbs           dislike       consonants,        Sunday           untie
                being           disown        removing ‘e’      Monday            unpick           Test-
                going           disobey         running         Tuesday           unzip          selection

                doing           disarm          hopping       Wednesday          unseen          of half-
                saying          dismay          tapping        Thursday           unwell          term’s
                asking          replay          clipping         Friday         unhappy           words

               jumping           retry          digging         Saturday         unpack
                crying           redo            liking         weekday           unjust
                trying           rejoin          hoping         weekend           unlock
                drying           relay           baking           days
                spying                          coming

              Extras for      Extras for       Extras for      Extras for      Extras for       Extras for
              more able       more able        more able       more able        more able       more able

                flying         discover         shining           diary          unleash
              betraying        discount         spoiling        calendar       unforgiving
               staying         disallow         clapping          hour           unwrap
               basking          replace         smiling          minute          undress
                risking         reheat          walking           night        unpleasant

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