Page 6 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 6


            Writing a fantasy story
            Show part of a DVD or read a section from chapter 1 of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the
            Wardrobe’ by CS Lewis, ISBN 0-00-674058-8 in which Lucy goes into the wardrobe

            and finds herself in the land of Narnia.

            Talk about fantasy stories and ask the children to imagine that they had stepped
            through a wardrobe or something similar into another land. Let them share ideas of

            adventures which they may have in those imaginary lands. Remind the children of the
            importance of wholesome writing as well as the use of adjectives and adverbs to add
            interest and provide detailed description. Talk about how to create suspense, build
            tension, etc.

            The children could draft their stories in their rough books then use the following
            weeks to write them up using chapter headings.

            LESSON 7

            Writing a ‘thank you’ letter
            Ask the children to select a toy or game from the classroom then explain in a few
            sentences why they chose it. Let them imagine that it is their birthday and they have

            received the toy or game from a relative. Stress the importance of an attitude of
            gratitude. Discuss how they could show their appreciation of the gift in a letter,
            adding some topical news too. Talk about how to thank people for gifts which are not
            so naturally acceptable.

            Remind the children of how to set out a letter with the address, greeting, body of the
            letter and the ending. Read some sample letters to give ideas.

            In an ICT lesson, the children could perhaps be shown how to attach a letter to an

            email as an alternative way of thanking relatives for gifts after a birthday.

            LESSON 8

            Creating plays from stories
            Read the children one of Aesop’s fables with two or three animals in it. Let two or
            three children act out the story as the teacher reads it. Alternatively, one of Jesus’
            stories could be chosen such the Rich Young Ruler in Matthew 19.

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