Page 2 - KI Insights July 2017
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Tim’s Journey continued
ment arm. It’s interesting how peo- career here is “opportunity.” Over in my experience at Kensington, if
ple can go from not looking for a the past nine years, I’ve worked there is something you want to do
new role at all to feeling instantly with and learned from some of the and you work really, really hard and
excited after a single meeting; yet, I most talented leaders in executive dedicate yourself to seeing it
see it happen all the time on candi- search, leadership development, through, you will have complete
dates I recruit. In this moment, I and career transition. backing from the partnership. I’ve
experienced this shift in outlook never asked to do something that
I’ve also worked in various roles
and was now excited about the pro- would benefit my career and been
within Kensington, expanding my
spects. told “no.” One of the things I love
responsibilities and experience. My
most is the entrepreneurial nature
After meeting Brian, John, and the first six months were spent in “start
of the firm. There were times a
rest of the team, I had now mental- -up” mode, developing all the nec-
new search was coming in and, if I
ly moved from leery to excited. essary tools to support Laramie.
raised my hand and made it known
Everything came together soon
The next couple of years were spent that I wanted to play a part on that
after and I accepted an offer to help
primarily supporting all the search search project, I was always given
launch a new business within Ken-
work at The Laramie Group as we an opportunity.
sington. I was the first to resign
began to grow, adding consultants
from DHR and thus; I was the first While on the path of becoming a
and associates. Given the ebb and
official employee of The Laramie search consultant, there have been
flow of search work at The Laramie
Group, the name we came up with other steps along the way to broad-
Group and a down economy the
for the firm, in June 2008. en my experience. In 2012, the Di-
first couple of years, I also worked
rector of Search Operations left the
Now that I’ve shared a bit of how I on Kensington level searches, a nat-
firm. The idea of managing people
arrived at Kensington, let me share ural move given my past experience
instead of working on searches did-
briefly about that journey since I’ve and ultimately, where I wanted to
n’t really excite me. However, I be-
been here. The first word that take my career. This brings me to
comes to mind when thinking of my an important point I want to make: Tim’s Journey continued on page 3
Nutella Café Opens in Chicago
By Search Intern, Kelly Nolan
The Nutella Café opened its jar- The menu far exceeds the hazelnut Although many of the reviews from
shaped doors on May 31st, blessing spread. They offer a wide array of the opening day may not have met
Nutella lovers with the gift of a one- sweet and savory meal and treat expectations, the café was opened
stop-shop centered around the fa- options. What they all have in com- to promote their addictive and deli-
mous Hazelnut spread. The café mon is the tie to Nutella and its ori- cious product, not create a five-star
grabbed a prime location at 151 N gins. For example, a seasonal salad restaurant. The Nutella Café fash-
Michigan Avenue to share their gift topped with chopped hazelnuts, the ions a modern ambiance that cen-
with Chicago. main ingredient in Nutella. They ters around a world-famous spread.
offer everything from paninis to Ferrero did their best to embody
The café’s grand opening generated
quite a bit of excitement, not only crepes to soups and croissants. their product in their café and in
because of everyone’s overwhelm- The idea of the café sounds perfect their food, keeping everything sim-
ing love of Nutella, but also since it but the reality of the opening day ple. The operational kinks will work
is the only one in existence. Ferrero, did not hit expectations. Many cus- themselves out over time and the
the manufacturing company of Nu- tomers took to Yelp to express their product itself, Nutella, will continue
tella, has opened pop-up shops frustrations with the day, including to generate attention and a loyal fan
around the globe but nothing to the waiting four hours only to get food -base that should keep the café in
scale of the permanent café in Chi- that didn’t meet their standards. business.