Page 5 - KI Insights July 2017
P. 5
Career Transition Update Continued
coaching and guidance-but you older (still needed me, but in a for growth. What I thrive in is
knew that already. All kidding different way) and I no longer felt tapping into all my supply chain,
aside, here is what Chris said… the pressure to make the big leadership, procurement, GM
bucks.” skills every day. We all wear
“After leaving my corporate job, I
different hats different days and
really struggled about what I “I began exploring start-ups in
it is very exciting.”
wanted to do. Initially, I went Chicago that had a great vision
down the same path of a tradi- and mission- I got involved with “It has also changed me person-
tional supply chain role. I wanted 1871 and served as a mentor and ally as I look at my shopping and
an executive level role, with advisor for a few start–ups. I en- consumer habits. I haven’t
greater compensation, greater joyed the coaching and mentor- stopped shopping (Note from
visibility, and responsibility. This ing and the value that I was able Christine: “Yes, she still loves her
was partially driven by the fact to bring to the table. I actually Jimmy Choo’s!”). But I think
that I was a single mom and the accepted the role as COO at about quality over quantity and
primary bread winner-I didn’t Esplin Enterprises, where I what I am buying and from
have much choice and I knew launched a startup advanced tex- where. I think about the global
that I had to make a certain tile company, providing environ- footprint and the individual be-
amount of money, plus have mentally friendly bamboo fabric hind the garment. I know that I
benefits and other perks. But as I in the $13 billion uniform indus- am supporting and empowering
went down this path, the oppor- try.” women all over the globe and it
tunities that came to me did not is an incredible feeling. I also re-
“Soon into this, I realized that a
excite me-it felt more of the alized that I don’t need as much
startup was a bit too unconven-
same-with not a lot of upside or as I thought…from my salary to
tional and unpredictable, (I still
personal excitement about these the amount of materials things.
needed a steady income to pay
opportunities. But I kept pushing It is nice to simplify. I do believe
the bills and mortgage!). But I
down this road, only to continue in the notion that it is our re-
liked being involved in all aspects
to feel frustration and disap- sponsibility to shape the world
of the business. I didn’t want to
pointment. As I started to pay we want our kids to live in, both
give up, so through networking
attention to what I was feeling, I fair trade and purposeful capital-
and conversations, I met a few
realized that those supposed ism are positive tools to use.”
women who happened to work
drivers were no longer driving
for Mata Traders. It was the per- If you are interested in learning
me, so I paid attention to what I
fect match. A blend of a start-up more about Mata Traders please
was feeling and hearing. I was in
and experiencing high growth, visit:
a great relationship, getting re-
they needed a senior leader to
married, my kids were getting
help shape and set the strategy