Page 4 - KI Insights July 2017
P. 4

The Myers’ grand kids:

                                                             Brinley on the left and Briggs, “the little
                                                            linebacker” as John calls him, on the right.

                  Dan’s son, Charlie, on
                the first day of daycare!

                         Career Transition Update



                                                                           By Christine Nowicki

           When coaching people in transi-    tion Services.  I met Chris as she  na, Hong Kong, and Brazil.
           tion,  we  often  hear  that  they  transitioned  out  of  HAVI  as  the
                                                                                 The  reason  that  background  is
           “want  to  make  a  change,”    “do  Senior  Vice  President,  Global
                                                                                 important  is  that  Chris  is  now
           something  meaningful,”    “leave  Managing  Director  for  Happy
                                                                                 the  Managing  Director  at  Mata
           corporate America,” or “work for  Meal.  She oversaw and directed
                                                                                 Traders. a $4 million, 20 employ-
           a  company  that  has  a  great  vi-  all global business unit functions
                                                                                 ee  fair  trade  fashion  company.
           sion or mission.”  These thoughts  for  the  design,  development,
                                                                                 As a global movement, fair trade
           and  ideas  often  become  reality  procurement,  and  manufacture
                                                                                 brings  attention  to  people
           for  some;  one  such  person  is  of  nearly  one  billion  electronic,
                                                                                 around the world who work un-
           Chris Bullock-Goetz.               plastic,  and  plush  toys  annually,
                                                                                 der  exploitative  conditions  and
                                              distributed in 120 countries and
           Chris has been a long-term client                                     highlights the true costs of goods
                                              valued at $400 million. She man-
           of  Kensington’s,  both  from  the                                    in  global  supply  chains. W-O-
                                              aged  10  direct  reports  and  was
           buyer’s side of Leadership Devel-                                     W….talk about walking the walk!
                                              responsible  for  team  of  200+  in
           opment  services  and  then  as  a
                                              London, Chicago, Argentina, Chi-   So how did this transition occur?
           candidate  of  our  Career  Transi-
                                                                                 Well  of  course,  through  great
                                                                                               Continued on next page
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