Page 8 - KI Insights July 2017
P. 8

Leadership Development Update

                   SELLING OUR SERVICES

                                                By John Myers and Linda Sweet

           Selling  Leadership  Development  Our goal is to become the firm of  ourselves from competitors, and
           and  Executive  Coaching  (LD/EC)  choice so they call us when they  hopefully close the sale.
           services  is  very  different  from  have a need. As a result, we get
                                                                                 We  are  excited  to  say  that  our
           selling  career  transition  or  even  a  call  with  an  “order”  of  sorts.
                                                                                 LD/EC business seems to be pick-
           search.  Whereas leadership de-    They  tell  us  the  person’s  name
                                                                                 ing up and a few of our key strat-
           velopment and executive coach-     and  program  level  and  we  con-
                                                                                 egies for growing this side of our
           ing is best described as a consul-  nect  with  the  person  and  start
                                                                                 business  are  showing  some  real
           tative sale, career transition (and  the delivery of services (actually
                                                                                 promise …… namely:
           even search to some degree) has  not that simple but you get the
                                                                                 1.      Developing  more  busi-
           become  more  of  a  “product”  point).
                                                                                 ness with larger companies that
           sale.  What do we mean by that?
                                              With  LD/EC,  we  have  to  create
           Simple ……                                                             have a steady stream of individu-
                                              the business.  Clients often don’t
                                                                                 al executive coaching opportuni-
           Clients know what career transi-   even know when our capabilities
                                                                                 ties (more of a product like out-
           tion is and when to use it.  When  and programs are a solution to a
                                                                                 placement), and
           clients  separate  an  employee,  problem  they  are  having.  They
                                                                                 2.      Increasing the number of
           career  transition/outplacement  know  what  the  issue  is  or  the
                                                                                 larger  LD  related  projects  we
           is  usually  a  part  of  their  sever-  future  goal  is  that  they  have  in
           ance package. The sales process  mind,  but  they  may  not  know
           is  about  distinguishing  us  from  what a solution could be. In or-  Key to this approach is the focus
           the competition. Buyers shop to  der  to  sell  LD/EC  services,  our  of  our  business  development
           compare     different   company  business      development     team  team  and  of  course  referrals
           offerings  so  the  sale  is  about  needs  to  engage  the  client  in  from  clients  who  have  experi-
           highlighting why we are different  strategic  discussions,  ask  ques-  enced our great work.

           and better, not only for the par-  tions,  and  listen  to  their  needs
                                                                                 After all these years, we contin-
           ticipant who will use the service,  and  pain  points  before  offering
                                                                                 ue to learn …………
           but also for the buyer/client. We  up a solution.  We often need to
           distinguish  ourselves  through  build a  customized  solution  and
           our  communication  and  flexibil-  develop  a  formal  proposal,  pre-
           ity.                               sent  it  to  the  client,  distinguish
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