Page 11 - KI Insights July 2017
P. 11

Search Update continued from page 10
          landscape  during  the  kickoff  organization  and  opportunity,  a  for  the  offense  will  cause  it  to
          phase  is  critical  to  making  initial  thoughtful  and  compelling  pitch,  have to make up ground quickly.
          headway  at  the  outset  of  a  and,  to  the  best  of  one’s  ability,  If  the  receiving  team  goes  for  a
          search. With this type of perspec-  answers  to  prospects’  questions  big  return  on  the  kickoff,  its
          tive early on, a recruiter can fine  beforehand  ensures  no  time  will  chances  for  an  early  score  are
          tune  what  and  how  they  will  be  wasted  during  recruitment.  much  improved  and  the  offense

          pitch  the  search  to  prospective  The  kickoff  is  the  ideal  time  to  will be much more efficient.
          candidates.                         gather  and  comprehend  this  in-
                                                                                 So, during the next kickoff –
                                              formation,  so  that  proactive  re-
          When cold-calling prospects, it is
                                              cruitment  can  serve  as  the  focal   Remain mindful of the immediate
          important to accentuate key facts                                      and  eventual  effects  the  kickoff
                                              point going forward.
          and  be  economical  in  one’s
                                                                                 can,  and  likely  will,  have  on  the
          speech, as executives do not have  The  literal  kickoff  in  football  can   search. Treat it for the opportuni-
          the time and/or interest in listen-  also  serve  as  a  significant  mo-  ty it is in preparing for and facili-

          ing  to  elongated  introductions  mentum  setter.  If  the  kicking   tating  a  smooth  and  successful
          during  their  workdays.  Having  a  team is able to get its defense off   search – a win!
          concrete  understanding  of  the  to  a  fast  start, bad  field  position

                         Who do we see on the jumbo Tron during
                          the 7th Inning Stretch at Wrigley  Field?
                           Our own MJ with her daughter Kiki!!

                                        And a one!

                                        And a two!

                                                       JULY 2017

              Sunday         Monday        Tuesday       Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday
                        2             3              4              5              6              7           1 / 8
                                         Offices Closed                                               1st:  Happy
                         Happy Birthday
                                         Independence                                                  Birthday
                                              Day                                                        Rick
                        9            10             11             12             13             14             15

                      16             17             18             19             20             21             22

                      23             24             25             26             27             28             29
                                                                       Frank (2016)
                      30             31
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