Page 9 - KI Insights July 2017
P. 9

Marketing Update


                                                                       By Brittani Ferguson

          Over  the  past  few  months,  Ken-  direct  marketing  campaigns  and  a timeless connection.
          sington  employees  have  heard  trades  shows  might  attain  new
                                                                                 When it comes to branding, what
          the word “brand” thrown around  business,  brand  marketing  is        makes Kensington special?
          about a million times.  As we de-   most  effective  at  developing  re-
          velop,  tweak,  and  nurture  our  peat business.  The brand evolves   As we developed the look of our
          brand,  we’re  constantly  provid-  into more than an aesthetic piece   new brand, we still had a lengthy
          ing  updated  materials  and  lan-  of  collateral;  it’s  the  life  of  the   and  distinguished  reputation  to
          guage.  With our approach to fi-    company  and  the  experience  of   back  it  up.    Now,  it’s  about  be-
          nalizing our brand, it’s important  the consumer.  It’s invaluable to   lieving  in  why  we  made  the
          to understand why so much me-       marketing and should be present    change.    There  are  a  lot  of  rea-
          ticulous  thought  has  gone  into  at every point of public contact.    sons  why  companies  make  sig-
          this process.                                                          nificant brand updates over time:
                                              Beyond  developing  a  loyal  cus-  customers  change,  companies
          Brand  has  become  a  saturated  tomer base, a brand also creates
                                                                                 merge,  markets  disappear,  etc.
          word.  In 2017, everything seems  loyal  employees.    It  gives  them
                                                                                 As the aesthetic of the brand be-
          to be branded.  College students  something  tangible  to  believe  in   comes  old-fashioned,  customers
          use social media to develop their  and represent, an accessible un-
                                                                                 chase sleeker looks.  To keep up
          personal  brand,  potential  em-    derstanding  of  our  company’s
                                                                                 with  this  trend,  we  developed  a
          ployers  want  to  see  it  on  a  re-  value in the world of professional   brand  aesthetic  that  makes  an
          sume, and even the least attend-    services.
                                                                                 immediate  impact  while  retain-
          ed  open  mics  in  Chicago  have  a   If  marketing  is  made  up  of  the  ing  the  strength  of  our  reputa-
          fresh logo.  It’s not easy to make
                                              tactical methods you use to build  tion.
          your brand stand out in the midst
                                              awareness,  branding  represents
          of  all  this,  particularly  with  the   who you are.  Think of it like this:    With  all  this  in  mind,  yes,  we
          wide disseminating capabilities of                                     want  to  remain  trendy  and  up-
                                              our brand is our market identity.
          the Internet.                                                          dated, but mostly we want to be
                                              When marketing methods evolve
          Fortunately, brand marketing has  to match the trend of user expe-     memorable.    At  the  end  of  the
          an  entirely  different  purpose  riences  and  consumer  journeys,    day,  it’s  about  the  consistency
          from  just  slapping  a  logo  on  a  our  brand  remains  the  same.
                                                                                 with which we bring clarity to our
          bunch of pieces of collateral and  Competition  is  fierce,  and  with
          hoping that provides enough ex-     the  global  population  expected   offering  and  perception  in  the
          posure  to  generate  new  busi-    to reach 10 billion in the next 30   market.
          ness.    In  fact,  the  main  function  years,  it’s  not  going  to  slow
          of  brand  marketing  is  not  new  down.  A brand demands loyalty.
          business  development.    Where  It conveys expertise.  It generates
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