Page 10 - KI Insights July 2017
P. 10

Search Update

                             KICKOFF:  GAME ON!

                                                                               By Frank Therber

           According  to  the  Association  of  These implications can be as se-  ject  is  to  be  considered  that
           Executive  Search  Consultants,  rious as those brought about by  “win” for all three parties at the
           2015 capped off a four-year peri-  a game. Given today’s sports cul-  search’s  conclusion.  Expeditious

           od  of  unprecedented  annual  ture of “win right now or else,”  name generation, aggressive re-
           growth  in  the  executive  search  the outcome of a game impacts  cruitment,       detailed   vetting,
           industry,  generating  upwards  of  a  program  or  franchise’s  post-  shrewd assessment, formal can-
           $12 billion in revenue.            season  status,  draft  pick,  and  didate  presentation,  and  offer
                                              television revenue, among other  negotiation  all  must  occur  to
           Reflective  of  the  industry’s  im-
                                              factors, for years to come. All of  reach  the  ideal  ending  to  a
           pact  on  the  economy,  clients
                                              these  factors  impact  these  or-  search.  In  an  athletic  competi-
           face  substantial  implications
                                              ganizations’ bottom lines.         tion,  scoring,  strategic  decision-
           brought  about  by  the  work  of
                                                                                 making,  and  fine-tuning  a  game
           their  retained  firm.  Certain  ele-  In  executive  search  and  in
                                                                                 plan  –  much  like  fine-tuning  a
           ments  of  a  search’s  granular,  sports, there is a critical starting
                                                                                 search  strategy  –  are  all  neces-
           end-to-end process can be com-     point for the project. At Kensing-
                                                                                 sary for a positive outcome.
           pared to the likes of a game. In  ton, we label it as the “kickoff,”
           today’s  media-driven  revenue  of  course  drawing  off  of  the  Another  understated  purpose
           world, games themselves can be  term used in football games and  for  the  term’s  relevance  stems
           a  $13  billion  industry,  as  in  the  soccer matches.              from  the  effect  a  search  kickoff
           case of the NFL.                                                      can have on the duration of the
                                              Analyzing the Term’s Relevance
                                                                                 project.  A  successful  kickoff  in
           Ideally, an  executive  search  cul-
                                              Search’s  figurative  kickoff  com-  executive search can often expe-
           minates with an impactful place-
                                              mences  the  search  at  hand,  as
           ment  possessing  the  ability,  de-                                  dite  the  project  and  establish
                                              the  literal  version  does  for  a   positive  momentum  going  for-
           sire,  and  longevity  to  positively
                                              football game. However, consid-    ward into the name generation,
           affect revenues, culture, and cal-
                                              ering a couple of underlying pur-
           iber of human capital within the                                      target  company  research,  and
                                              poses,  the  term  should  be  con-  recruitment phases.
           organization.  For  all  intents  and
                                              sidered especially relevant.
           purposes,  this  type  of  search                                     From  an  Associate/Principal’s
                                              One  subtle  reason  the  term  is
           outcome should be considered a                                        standpoint,  forming  a  thorough
                                              applicable is because the search
           “win”  for  the  search  firm,  the                                   understanding of the client’s op-
                                              kickoff  precipitates  a  series  of
           client, and the candidate.                                            eration,  culture,  and  industry
                                              events that will unfold if the pro-
                                                                                                 Continued on page 11
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