Page 32 - 2020-0815-008 Board Meeting Documents for August 19
P. 32
A. Prime placement of GEDA logo to be included in advertisement package as the
“PRESENTING Partner” which includes:
1. GEDA’s Name will be used as reference of presenting the 2020-2021 Junior Achievement
Guam Company Program for all events hosted by JA including:
a. JA Guam Company of the Year Virtual Kick-Off
b. JA Guam Virtual Trade Fairs (possibly small COVID-compliant trade fairs)
c. JA Guam Virtual Business Presentation
d. JA Guam Company of the Year Awards Banquet
2. GEDA logo will be referred to as the Presenter on all JA Guam Banners.
3. GEDA shall be referred to as the Presenter on all JA Guam Print and Social Media
4. GEDA shall be allotted a banner to be placed during all JA Guam events and a table to
display their products and other marketing collaterals.
5. GEDA shall be referred to as the Presenter during the JA Guam Company of the Year
Awards Ceremony.
6. GEDA will be allotted a banner space on our full color page in the JA Guam Website to
include a link to their Company website.
7. GEDA shall be provided invitations to all JA Guam Official events.
8. GEDA will be acknowledged and included in all marketing promotional events including on
air interviews with various news organizations.
_____________________________________ ____________________
Melanie Mendiola
CEO & Administrator