Page 53 - 2020-0815-008 Board Meeting Documents for August 19
P. 53

Partnership Update

        The following is a chart of partners who have confirmed their sponsorship of the event:
         Sponsoring Organization   Amount / Contribution                       Status
                                  Solicited by JA Guam Rep
         Guam Economic            $30,000.00                                   $5,000.00 will be earmarked for the JA AP COY.  It
         Development Authority    Beth Lizama, JA Guam Executive Director      is also acknowledged that the full amount of
                                                                               $30,000.00 can be used to subsidize the event.
         Small Business           $10,000.00                                   A Memorandum of Understanding has been
         Development              Jane Ray, JA Guam Board Member               signed.  The MOU was vetted by JA AP.
         Bank of Hawaii           $10,000.00                                   Contract signed and approved.  Check has been
                                  Erlinda Alegre, JA Guam Vice Chairperson     provided to JA Guam.
         Bank of Guam             $10,000.00                                   Contract signed and approved.  Check will be
                                  Lesley Leon Guerrero, JA Guam Board Member   provided to JA Guam.
         GTA Teleguam             $5,000.00 plus $5,000.00 in kind - Official   The contract has been signed.  Check has been
                                  Telecommunications partner                   provided to JA Guam.
         Triple J Enterprises     Combination of In-Kind and monetary donation   The contract has been signed.
        In Kind donations:
         GTA Teleguam             $5,000.00 plus $5,000.00 in kind - Official   The contract has been signed.  Check has been
                                  Telecommunications partner                   provided to JA Guam
                                  •   120 Sim Cards - 7-day unlimited local voice & data
                                      [$2400 value]
                                  •   120 GTA branded bags and hand sanitizer
                                  •   Advertising space: GTA digital TV channels -30
                                      second TV Commercial spots [$2,600 value]
                                  •   Use of GTA facilities and equipment for on-line
                                  Sharon Davis, JA Guam Board Member
         Triple J Enterprises     Combination of In-Kind and monetary donation   The contract has been signed.
                                  •   Catering for the local Victory Banquet Celebration at
                                      Outback Steakhouse.
                                  •   Use of five (5) seven passenger vans for the period
                                      of August 24-28, 2020.  Valued at $5,000.00.
                                  Kris Lujan, JA Guam Board Member

        Sponsorship engagement will be used for future events
         United Airlines          In Kind Donation of $5,000.00                Virtual event will not need airline tickets.
                                  Marissa Del Rosario, JA AP COY Organizing Committee

        The following sponsor has pulled their sponsorship:
         Guam Visitors Bureau     $5,000.00                                    Confirmed with Kraig Camacho, GVB Destination
                                  Joey Miranda III, JA Guam Board Member       that due to the pandemic, the sponsorship has
                                                                               been revoked.
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