Page 6 - 2020-0815-008 Board Meeting Documents for August 19
P. 6
JA Guam Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 11:30 pm
Annual Meeting - Zoom Video Conference
Minutes – Page 2 of 3
j. Shirts for the Board
i. If we can have the cost paid for with COY budget.
ii. Beth will get everyone’s sizes
k. Pending:
i. Not much left
ii. Missing a few things from JA AP
iii. Missing a couple of commercials from sponsors
iv. Meg has some photos to share
l. Last meeting with Adrian and Winnie changed a speech to 4 minutes can use
those photos.
m. May have a lot of photos on the Facebook Page and whatsapp.
n. Social Media Campaign
i. 200 segments
ii. Comes out at 7:30am and in the afternoon
iii. Sponsor spotlight
VII. New Business
a. Board Election
i. Chair
1. Meg nominate Joey and Erlinda and Jane Second the motion
a. Unanimously votes passes
b. Thank you, Joey! Joey will dedicate this year to JA
ii. Vice-Chair
1. Erlinda volunteers to Jane nominates
2. Unanimously votes passes
iii. Treasurer
1. Meg nominates Lee
2. Unanimously vote passes
iv. Secretary
1. Joey nominates Andrew
2. Unanimously passes
b. Approved of the new Board
i. Meg motioned there was a second and a third and approved