Page 3 - Samaritas Our Hands Winter 2024
P. 3

Dave Morin Appointed as CEO

          Entrepreneurial Leader Brings Business and Innovation Experience

          Samaritas’ Board of Trustees has selected  be instrumental in advancing our mission.  "I am honored to continue my work with
          Dave Morin as its new permanent Chief     With a focus on continuous improvement     the incredible  team at Samaritas and to lead
          Executive Officer. Morin, who has been    and the thoughtful adaptation of services,  this organization in our mission to support
          serving as interim CEO for the past two   Morin is committed to ensuring that        the most vulnerable members of our
          years and previously was on the board of  Samaritas remains at the forefront of      community,” said Morin. “The passion,
          directors for seven years, brings a career of  addressing the needs of vulnerable    dedication, and resilience of our staff inspire
          experience and passion to the role.       populations in Michigan.                   me every day, and I am committed to
                                                                                               ensuring that we have the resources and
          This appointment ensures continuity in    “Dave's entrepreneurial experience and     support necessary to help children and
          leadership as we continue to evolve our   commitment to our mission will provide the  families not just survive—but thrive.
          services to create life-changing ripples in the  leadership we need to begin our next 90  Together, we will continue to innovate and
          lives we serve. Under Morin’s guidance, we  years of service to Michigan," said David  adapt as we meet the evolving needs of the
          at Samaritas are poised to further        Lochner, Samaritas Board Chair. "In order  individuals and families we serve."
          strengthen our commitment to building a   for us to continue to provide
          community of passionate people who        transformational impact to those we serve,  In its 90th year, the Samaritas team
          believe in the power of kindness and      we're going to need vision, creativity and  understands that action is what helps
          potential for change.                     focus - all qualities that Dave has brought  families go from struggling to thriving,
                                                    over the last two years helping us get to this  uplifting those who need it most, and
          A serial entrepreneur, executive and startup  point.”                                empowering them to become the architects
          consultant widely recognized in Michigan                                             of their own destinies. As a result, the
          and beyond as an innovator and strategic  Founded in 1934, Samaritas has a proud     organization is developing end-to-end
          thinker, Morin co-founded multiple        history of providing critical support to   solutions to address the housing crisis,
          software companies before joining         individuals and families in need, from     putting children first and helping families
          Samaritas, including Cielo MedSolutions   affordable housing and foster care to      flourish, providing mental health wellness
          and Mountain Pass Solutions. His success  addiction services and refugee resettlement.  and addiction services to assist individuals
          in driving change, building strong        With Morin as our new CEO, we will build   toward recovery and reclaiming their lives,
          partnerships, and increasing operational  upon our legacy and continue to provide    and welcoming refugees looking for hope
          efficiency will                           life-changing services, working alongside  and a fresh start.
                                                    local communities, partners, and
                                                    policymakers to create lasting change.

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