Page 7 - Samaritas Our Hands Winter 2024
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Samaritas Remote Refugee Social Throughout my career, I have had ELIGIBLITY
Services program is funded by the honor of working closely with
ORR through a competitive refugee populations, helping Samaritas serves all ORR-eligible
application process in partnership them navigate complex systems populations across Michigan,
with LEO – Office of Global to access housing, employment, excluding Ingham and Washtenaw
Michigan. We are very excited healthcare, and education. counties.
about growing our service line for Unfortunately, I’ve also seen how
the next four years throughout challenges like transportation, Refugee
the state. Refugees and other language barriers, and geographic Cuban/Haitian Entrant
eligible individuals will receive isolation can prevent them from Survivor of Torture
case management in various receiving the support they need. Victim of Human Trafficking
languages, employment Special Immigrant Visa
preparation and job placement The Remote Services Program will (SIV) Holder
Afghan and Iraqi
assistance, financial literacy and address these barriers by offering Special Immigrant
budgeting assistance, referrals to flexible, tailored assistance to Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolee
immigration legal services, and an refugees, no matter where they
innovative addition - Virtual are located. This initiative will
Reality training in partnership with expand our reach, ensuring that REMOTE AND VIRTUAL
Emerge. more individuals and families can ASSISTANCE WITH:
access the resources necessary
Asraa Hisham, Samaritas program for successful integration into
manager, says, “I am excited to their new communities. I am truly Case Management
express my full support for the excited about the potential impact
launch of the Refugee Remote this program will have, and I am
Services Program through proud to be part of this effort to Job Development
Samaritas’ Services for New create a more accessible,
Americans. This innovative equitable system of support for
program represents a pivotal step refugees in Michigan.”
forward in ensuring that refugees Employment Preparation
across Michigan have access to 888-529-6001
the vital services they need to
thrive. Social Adjustment Services