Page 16 - Autumn 2019
P. 16

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              16     In  the  other  semi,  Bill  &  Christine  Dickinson  and  Doris  &  Peter  Frost
                     (Northumberland/Norfolk) faced Stephen, Carrie-Anne, Caitlin & Conor Weeks of Cam-
              bridgeshire. Having played their hearts out so far and having disposed of the reigning champions
              in the previous round, the Weeks’ finally met their match. Having said that they came from 5-1
              down to within a shot with one end to go but couldn’t quite make it in the end, finally losing the
              game 8-4.
                   In the Final, Gill Barraclough, Audrey Joy and Margaret & Jim Forrest were against Bill &
              Christine Dickinson and Doris & Peter Frost. End 1 – After the other two finals this one gets off
              to a rather scrappy start but in the end the Hertfordshire team are first off the mark. 1-0.
                   End 2 - Peter is down and manages to move the jack out of the head, but not to his ad-
              vantage, 3 down. 4-0. End 3 – A well placed blocker from Margaret stops Peter getting in with
              his last and it’s another 3. 7-0 and already it’s looking like a one-horse race. End 4 – The early
              woods for the Herts team are making life very difficult for the opposition. Yet another 3 and this
              game is all but over. 10-0.
                   End 5 – Finally Peter catches a break and grabs a shot. 10-1. End 6 – They’ll need some-
              thing special to get back into this game, but it’s not happening. Another one to the Herts team
              and it’s mathematically over at 11-1, but they play on perhaps for a bit of pride. End 7 – No such
              luck, Margaret’s team pick up another one to round
              off the match for an emphatic 12-1 win.
              PAIRS TOURNAMENT
              PAIRS TOURNAMENT
              There were 86 teams playing across 18 groups with
              the winners and 14 best runners-up advancing to
              the knockouts.
                   Quarter Finals - Jim Goodrich & Neil Jolly (Suf-
              folk) v Adam & Karen Hubbard (Suffolk). Picking up
              all 4 on the 6th end propelled the Hubbard’s back
              into the game from being 6-1 down, but that was as
              close as they got as Neil & Jim took the game 10-5
                   Jackie & Roy Harden (Herts) v Gerald & Phyl-
              lis Sutton (Norfolk). This was a close one with Ger-
                                                                                    Pairs Winners
              ald & Phyllis 5-3 up with 2 ends to go only for Jackie                Pairs Winners
                                                                           Ally Hobbs & Sally Goodrich
              & Roy to nip past them for a 6-5 win.                       Ally Hobbs & Sally Goodrich
                                                                                  with Greg Harlow
                   Bob Usher & Stephen Wilson (Sunderland) v                      with Greg Harlow
              Audrey Joy & Gill Barraclough (Herts). 6-0 down after 3 ends the Sunderland pair were never
              able to get back on terms with their opposition as the Hertfordshire ladies finished 9-7 winners.
                                                                           Ally Hobbs & Sally Goodrich (Suf-
                                                                      folk) v Angela Newling & Jane Evans (Suf-
                                                                      folk/Cambs). This is a game which swung
                                                                      back and forth several times with Ally &
                                                                      Sally taking 3 on the first end but with one
                                                                      to go Angela & Jane were two ahead and
                                                                      in a strong position.
                                                                           But not an impregnable one, or so it
                                                                      turned out, as Ally produced the goods to
                                                                      pick up a 3 and take the game 8-7.
                                                                           In  the  Semi-Finals,  Jackie  &  Roy
                                                                      Harden faced Jim Goodrich & Neil Jolly. A
                                                                      good start for the Suffolk pair saw them 4-
                                                                      P0 three ends in but with 2 to go it was
                            Pairs Runners-Up                          back Jackie & Roy Hardento a 5-4 lead.
                             Pairs Runners-Up
                       Jim Goodrich & Neil Jolley,
                      Jim Goodrich & Neil Jolley,                     however, they held their nerves, winning
                        with Potters Greg Harlow                      the last 2 ends to take the game 7-4.
                        with Potters Greg Harlow
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