Page 21 - Autumn 2019
P. 21

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              With one session to go on Saturday it was still the same two counties on top, both on 20
              points, with Sunderland on 18 and Northumberland on 16 points. Saturday finished with         21
              Hertfordshire just edging out a 2-point lead over Suffolk. Herts finished the day on 24
              points, Suffolk on 22 and Sunderland and Northumberland sharing third place on 18 points.
                   With everyone having played once on Sunday morning Suffolk had just edged ahead by a
              point over Herts with Sunderland 4 off the leaders. With a couple of sessions to go Hertfordshire
              were now three points clear of the rest as Suffolk dropped off the pace and were now being
              caught by Sunderland.
                   In the end that lead held good although Suffolk chipped it back. Hertfordshire finished on
              37 points, Suffolk on 36 (both identical to last year), with Sunderland third on 34.
              The  Annual  English  Rinks  was
              held at Braintree Leisure Centre
              and hosted by Essex. 32 teams
              took part initially playing in eight
              groups of four teams.
                   On  the  day  there  was  one
              team taking part from Sunderland,
              three  teams  from  West  Sussex
              and the remaining 28 teams from
              the Eastern Counties, with most
              from the hosts County Essex.
                   The winners & runners-up of
              each Group went through to the
              knockout out stages of the main
              competition  with  the  third  and
                                                                       Sunderland Winners
              fourth  place  going  through  to  a                    Sunderland Winners
              supplementary knock out 'Plate' competition, giving every team taking part a minimum of four
              games of eight ends during the day.
                                                                 And it was the long-distance travellers from
                                                                 Sunderland who found their form to reach the
                                                                 final against the local team from Little Easton.
                                                                 The Sunderland team of J Sanderson/L McGa-
                                                                 han/Colin Young/F Froud get the better of the
                                                                 Little  Easton  team  of  Brian  Jenner/Tony
                                                                 Gypps/Mike  Walsh/Kevin  Boxall  to  win  the
                                                                 match 11-5.
                                                                      Rinks Knockout-Out Stages - There was
                                                                 some outstanding bowling and close games
                                                                 with the eventual finalists being the Ellesmere
                                                                 (Cambridgeshire)  team  of  Margaret  Clem-
                                                                 met/Barbara  Upex/Angela  Newling/David
                     Runners-Up Little Easton                    Clemmet against the Chelmer Village (Essex)
                     Runners-Up Little Easton
                                                                 team of Sandra Dekeyzer/Ann Patrica/Duncan
              Lumley/Tony Bareham. A close match went all the way to the last end with Ellsmere eventually
              winning 8-5 and take the title. Many thanks to Essex for arranging the competition and to all
              teams who took part in a good days bowling.
                   Special thanks go to Marie Boyton/Anthea Bushe & Val Kidd for running the Raffle, to Alec
              Russell for all his work on the day and especially to Duncan Lumley for setting up and running
              the competition.
                   Paul Daniels
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26