Page 24 - Autumn 2019
P. 24

Page 24_Layout 1  09/10/2019  08:54  Page 1

                                     NEWS FROM SPORT ENGLAND
                                     NEWS FROM SPORT ENGLAND
                                       Made by Sport
                                        A  major  new  campaign  using  sport  for  good  has
                                        launched with royal backing, both real life and sporting.
                                        The Duke of Sussex has leant his support to “Made By Sport”, a four-
                                       year campaign set up to champion the role sport can play in changing
                                     lives and raise vital funds for community sport.
                                  Also attending the launch of the campaign, which has set a target of raising
              £40 million for community sport, were boxing champions Nicola Adams and Anthony Joshua.
                                                                                   This  would  be  the
                                                                                   This  would  be  the
                                                                                   biggest  fundraising
                                                                                   biggest  fundraising
                                                                                   campaign  ever  for
                                                                                   campaign  ever  for
                                                                                   community  sport
                                                                                   community  sport  in in
                                                                                   the UK
                                                                                   the UK
                                                                                        Part of the fundraising
                                                                                   drive could potentially see us
                                                                                   match, up to an agreed level,
                                                                                   funds generated by the cam-
                                                                                   paign  with  National  Lottery
                                                                                   money. “Sport is a powerful
                                                                                   force  for  good  that  can
                                                                                   change people and places for
              the better,” said our chief executive Tim Hollingsworth.
              “We believe that everyone should have the right to experience and benefit
              from sport, yet the sad reality is that deep inequalities prevail which mean
              these benefits are not equally shared.
                   “Made by Sport is a big, bold new idea that has the potential to challenge
              perceptions and change many thousands of young lives for the better.
                   “We fully support the ambition of the campaign to shine a vital spotlight
              on sport as a driver of social change and hopefully raise much needed funds
              for the unsung charities in this sector.
                   “As  a  major  strategic  investor  in  the  sport  for  development  sector,
              through our National Lottery funding, we look forward to exploring with them
              how Sport England can play our part.”
                   “Made By Sport” intends to reach its target through a combination of corporate partnerships
              and public fundraising initiatives. Part of their initial support will be provided by Richemont, an-
              nounced today as a founding corporate supporter for the campaign.
                   “Made by Sport” is a big, bold new idea that has the potential to challenge perceptions and
              change many thousands of young lives for the better. And with young people from poorer back-
              grounds around 50% less likely to play regular sport, Made By Sport chair Justin King hopes
              the new campaign, which will be the largest fundraising campaign ever undertaken for grassroots
              sport in the UK, can make a real impact.
                   Tim Hollingsworth said:“Sport has the power to change lives,” he said. “It can teach us
              skills that last a lifetime and – in a world where local sports is under increasing pressure, where
              it’s easier to play on your phone than in a park and where joining gangs can be more glamorous
              than joining teams – we believe it can play a pivotal role in how young people develop. “Today
              marks the start of a crucial four-year journey for “Made By Sport” that will see the campaign
              champion community sports and raise much needed funds to support it across the UK.”
                   Both Joshua and Adams, Olympic and world champions, appreciate the value of sport and
              physical activity, with boxing giving them a purpose in life. “Sport to me is more than compet-
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