Page 23 - Autumn 2019
P. 23

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                                                             West Hill Charity Tournament
                                                              West Hill Charity Tournament
                                                             Sixteen teams from Devon and Dorset took part
                                                             in the West Hill Short Mat Bowls 28th annual char-
                                                             ity event. The triples competition was held at West
                                                             Hill Village Hall, East Devon.
                                                                   The day was a great success, the weather
                                                             was  perfect  and  between  games  competitors
                                                             were able to sit outside relaxing in glorious sun-
                                                             shine. An excellent lunch was provided by club
                                                             members with refreshments available during the
                          Winners  Tom Archer,
                      Steve Collins & Edwin Cleave                 Two teams from Christow SMBC ended up
                                                             challenging for 1st place. Christow “A” and Chris-
             tow “B”, with both teams winning all their games but
             the eventual winner was not determined until the re-
             sult of the last game of the day.
                   Christow “A” took the trophy with a 2-shot dif-
             ference over their colleagues. The winners were Tom
             Archer, Steve Collins and Edwin Cleave with Geoff
             Cleave, Neil Wilkins and Janet Ellis runners-up.
                   A donation of £400.00 was presented to The
             Devon Air Ambulance Trust, proceeds from the raffle
             and food, making a total of over £5,000 raised for this
             charity in recent years.
                   Thanks to all those clubs taking part and mak-                  Finalists  Neil Watkins,
             ing a contribution to The Devon Air Ambulance. Well                 Geoff Cleave & Janet Ellis
             done to West Hill club members who worked hard during the day.
                                   David Tarr

                                                     A Brief  History of  the Village
                                                     A Brief  History of  the Village
                                                     In earlier times, West Hill was heath and scrubland and
                                                     part of the Budleigh Pebble Ridge.  An Ancient ridgeway
                                                     ran across the top of the hill (now the B3180) joining the
                                                     Hembury Fort and Woodbury Castle - both Iron Age Forts.
                                                           At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, West Hill
                                                     was a small settlement of a few large Victorian houses,
             cottages and small farms.  There was a church, school, post office and a smithy.  Things stayed
             much the same until into the 1960’s the then Ottery St Mary Urban District Council decided that
             West Hill should be a dormitory settlement for Exeter.
                   Potters Country Market (now McColl’s) opened in 1971, heralding the anticipated popula-
             tion explosion and building continued, as it still does.
                   In the mid 1980’s
             a new Village Hall was
             built,  closely  followed
             by  a  new  Primary
             School  in  the  early
                   The  mains  gas
             also  came  at  around
             this  time.  Thus,  our
             woodland  village  be-
             came  as  we  see  it
                                                                      Village Hall and Bowls Venue
             today.                                                   Village Hall and Bowls Venue
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