Page 25 - Autumn 2019
P. 25

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              said Joshua. “It is about the discipline and regiment it teaches you. The lifestyle of an
              athlete can be taken into any walk of life. It’s about how you can improve yourself as an     25
              individual through the power of sport.”
              Fund to diversify sport and physical activity workforce
              Fund to diversify sport and physical activity workforce
                    National Lottery funding available to engage women and/or
                    National Lottery funding available to engage women and/or
                       BAME communities in positive workforce opportunities
                       BAME communities in positive workforce opportunities
              We’re making up to £1 million available to diversify coaches and volunteers in the sport and
              physical activity sector. Our Workforce Diversity Great Ideas Fund will be open for a month,
              from today, and we want to hear from anyone wanting to engage women and/or BAME commu-
              nities in volunteering or coaching opportunities.
                   With  both  Coaching  Week  and  Volunteers’
              Week taking place now, the National Lottery funding
              has  been  allocated  to  address  the  fragmented
              workforce – partly comprised of coaches and vol-
              unteers – that is currently lacking diversity.
                   We regularly hear fantastic stories of women
              and  people  from  BAME  communities  getting  in-
              volved and making a difference to people around
                   But  we  know  that  there  are  barriers  facing
              them in getting started, so we're keen to find ways
              that we can support more people from these back-
              grounds into the sport and physical activity work-
              force, and to help ensure they have a really positive experience once they're engaged.
                   Trying new things - "Learning what works to engage and support these audiences into vol-
              unteering and coaching is key and we want to work with you to learn what approaches work
              and why,” said our head of coaching Stuart Armstrong.
                   “There are any number of potential learning opportunities. Maybe you’re planning an un-
              usual partnership, or want to test ways of using new technology to get women engaged in vol-
              unteering. “Perhaps your organisation has never had any connection with sport before, but has
              something different to offer within a sport or physical activity setting. “Whatever your ideas, we’re
              keen to find out what we can discover together. Final decisions on funding will then be made in
              October and November.
                  Pilot programme aims to get older people active
                  Pilot programme aims to get older people active
                            Japanese radio inspires new fitness programme
                            Japanese radio inspires new fitness programme
              Japanese radio provides inspiration for new programme targeting inactivity in over 55s with 10-
              minute workouts. We're investing nearly a quarter of a million pounds in a new six-month pilot
              aimed at getting
              People aged 55 and over more active
              People aged 55 and over more active
              The product of a collaboration between us, Demos and Anchor Hanover, 10 Today provides a
              series of easy, accessible and enjoyable 10-minute exercise broadcasts – for both radio and
              online – which can be followed almost anywhere and at any time.
                   Inspired by Radio Taiso, an established and evidence-based national daily exercise broad-
              cast on Japanese radio, 10 Today has been produced and led by older people, for older people.
              It aims to increase physical activity among older people across the country, helping to reduce
              social isolation and improve the physical and mental wellbeing of participants.
              Active lifestyles
              Active lifestyles
              “Maintaining an active lifestyle as you grow older delivers massive health benefits,” said our ex-
              ecutive director for tackling inactivity, Mike Diaper. “While we have seen more older adults getting
              active than ever before, there are still too many who aren’t doing 30 minutes of activity a week.
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