Page 30 - Autumn 2019
P. 30

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              30                                                                                  Norfolk
                                                                                                win Rinks
                                                                                                  event at


                                                                                                Going  into  the
                                                                                                last round of the
                                                                                                t o u r n a m e n t
                                                                                                both      Norfolk
                                                                                                and  Northamp-
                                                                                                tonshire  were
             on 26 points and Kent and Essex on 6 points each.
                   Therefore, it was all to play for in the last session with Norfolk taking on Northamptonshire
             and Kent playing Essex. After 5 ends there was not much to separate Kent and Essex with 1
             shot in it. After 10 ends Essex had moved into a 6-shot lead. Essex’s Paul Bax’s rink proved to
             be decisive running out 23 shots to 9. The other 3 rinks were very tight affairs. The highlight
             being a 15 all draw between Gary Allard’s Kent rink and Barry Hedges’ Essex rink.
                   This gave Essex victory by 13 points to 3. But the big clash was between Norfolk and
             Northamptonshire as that would decide the ultimate winners of the tournament. Norfolk started-

             strongly and raced into a 11-shot lead after 5 ends and never looked in danger of losing their
             grip on the game. After 10 ends Norfolk were 31 shots ahead despite Chris Weston’s rink taking
             a 7 off Kerry Greenacre, Robert Howlett, Melvin Woods & Keith Cooke although the Norfolk rink
             went onto win 22-13.
                   Norfolk maintained their lead and ran out comfortable winners by 14 points to 2. Edward
             Sawbridge’s Northamptonshire rink and Neil Davidson’s Norfolk rink were involved in a very
             close game with Northamptonshire running out 12-10 winners. This left Norfolk as winners of
             the 4 Team Tournament with 40 points and +44 shots, Northants second on 28 points and -9
             shots, Essex third with 19 points and -7 shots and Kent last with 9 points and -28 shots.
                   It turned out to be a very long day with play finishing about 6.00pm however everybody
             had a good days bowling. All games were played in a competitive manner with good spirit and
             this event may become an annual tournament. The Norfolk County Team Management sends
                                                     a big thankyou to everyone that helped with the equipment
                                                     and also special mention to Gillian Amos for all her hard

                                                     work and efforts over the day.
                                                     David Durrant Memorial Trophy

                                                     Trish Taylor, Morris Taylor & Terry Newby, representing
                                                     Carleton Rode, won the annual David Durrant Memorial
                                                     Trophy organised by Thorpe Marriott SMBC.
                                                           In the final they beat Colin Harris, Gerald Chilvers &
                                                     Graham Tweed, who were representing Hingham Red, by
                          Winners                    8-7. In the semi-finals the Carleton Rode triple beat Elaine
                Morris Taylor, Terry Newby           Oatway, Lesley Crowe & Bob Oatway of First Bus 11-5.
                      and Trish Taylor                     The other semi-final produced an all Hingham clash
             with Graham Tweed’s triple beating Reg Wilson, Pauline Wilson & Jock Pollock on an extra end.
             The raffle held raised £120 which will be donated to EACH (Quidenham Hospice). Photo by
             Tony Turner on behalf of Thorpe Marriott SMBC.
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