Page 33 - Autumn 2019
P. 33

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                                                                               Update from                  33
                                                                               Update from
                                                                           Canadian Short Mat Bowls began
                                                                           in 2016 when a small contingent of
             players travelled to Leigh, England by invitation of the Short Mat World Council to par-
             ticipate in the 2016 Short Mat World Championships.
                   Following this wonderful experience, Canada decided to form a Canadian Associa-
             tion and affiliate with the Short Mat World Council in August of 2016.  The CSMBA began
             with zero members and zero clubs, but within that 1st season grew to 6 clubs and 300
             members.  By November of 2017, in our second year, we held our 1st ever National Cham-
             pionships and in March of 2018, we were able to field a 20- player team and travelled to
             Stromstad, Sweden to compete and gain experience in international play.
                   Our growth has been steady, with 6 clubs in 2016-2017, 10 clubs in 2017-2018, and
             14 clubs in 2018-2019 and now stand at 600 members.  The word is getting out, and ex-
             pectations for the 2019 – 2020 season include expansion to as many as 20 clubs and per-
                                                                        haps     800     –    1000    members
                                                                        throughout  Canada.  This  Autumn,
                                                                        we  are  holding  our  3rd  CSMBA
                                                                        Championships in Cobourg, Ontario,
                                                                        and can’t wait to offer positions to
                                                                        our 20-player team travelling to Bel-
                                                                        gium in March of 2020.
                                 Reigning Canadian Champions
                                 Reigning Canadian Champions

                            Singles Champion Patrick Cote              Pairs Champions Patrick Cote
                             with President Dave Burrows                   and Johanne Trudeau

                           Triples Champions Mike Place,            Fours Champions Sophie Burrows,
                               Louisa and Bill Arthur                   Jim McIntyre, Dave Burrows
                                                                             and Martin Foxhall
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