Page 35 - Autumn 2019
P. 35

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                                                                                      Toorak                  35
                                                                                  The Ivan Lunn
                                                                                  The Ivan Lunn
                                                                             The opening event was a Spoon
                                                                             Drive based on Triples and Ivan
                                                                             Lunn  started  his  run  by  leading
                                                                             Janet & Timothy Pearson to victory
                                                                             with a plus of 24 shots after 20
                                                                             ends of play.
                                            In the Singles quarter finals, Philip Wright edged out Timothy Pear-
                                            son 8 - 6. Gill Cole eased to a 7 - 2 result over Lee Woodacre,
                                            whilst Ivan Lunn had a comfortable 11 - 2 win over Alan Woodacre.
                                            Completing the round Malcolm Richards beat Ted Nolan 9 - 2.
                                                  In the Semi’s, Gill Cole edged out Philip Wright 10 - 8. Ivan
                                            Lunn was in majestic form beating Malcolm Richards 9 - 2. Ivan
                                            continued this form into the final but was pushed by Gill, with Ivan
                                            eventually winning 9 - 5.
                                                  In the Triples Sem--finals Malcolm Richards, Joan Northcott
                                            & Don Baker beat Clubmates Barbara Baker, VAL 7 Brian Latham
                                            by 7 shots to 2. The other semi saw Ivan Lunn in action again,
                                            along with his wife Ellen & Richard Kitchener. They faced Gill Cole
                                            Alan & Lee Woodacre who were 8 - 4 up with three ends to play
                     Ivan Lunn              but a 4 and two singles gave Ivan Lunn’s team a narrow 9 - 8 vic-
                      Ivan Lunn
                       Singles              tory. A repeat run happened in the final with both teams at 7 all but
                     Champion               a 3 and then a two gave Ivan, Ellen and Richard an 11 - 7 title win.
                                                  And so to the Pairs event. At the semi-final stage, Timothy &
             Janet Pearson score 6 shots over the closing four ends for a 9 - 4 win over Marnie & Phil Wright.
             Ivan was once again in action with wife Ellen and they romped home 11 - over Alan & Lee
             Woodacre. They repeated this feat in the final with a 13 - victory over Timothy & Janet.

                                                                              Tiples Winners
                                                                              Tiples Winners
                                                                Seated - Richard Kitchener, Ellen & Ivan
                                                                Seated - Richard Kitchener, Ellen & Ivan
                                                                     Lunn, with Finalists Don Baker,
                            Pairs Winners
                            Pairs Winners                            Lunn, with Finalists Don Baker,
                                                                   Joan Northcott & Malcolm Richards
                          Ivan & Ellen Lunn                        Joan Northcott & Malcolm Richards
                          Ivan & Ellen Lunn
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