Page 31 - Autumn 2019
P. 31

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                                                                 Norfolk County News                        31
                                                                 Norfolk County News
                                                                 The  Norfolk  CSMBA  Annual  General
                                                                 Meeting was held at North Wymondham. Prob-
                                                                 ably  due  to  a  combination  of  extremely  hot
                                                                 weather on the day, no constitutional proposals
                                                                 submitted and one nomination for each Officer
                                                                 position the lowest attendance in memory re-
                                                                 sulted with only eight member clubs out of 64
                                                                 sending delegates.
                                                                      They were Wymondham, East Harling,
                                                                 Thetford, Wortwell, Diss, Hevingham, Thorpe
                                                                 Marriott and East Tuddenham. Reports from
                                                                 the  Officers  highlighted  another  successful
                                                                 season where two National titles were won by
                  Norfolk President Brian Saunders               Norfolk, the National Triples and the National
                  Norfolk President Brian Saunders
                   awarded Life Membership of the                Under 18’s.
                   awarded Life Membership of the
                       Association by Chairman                        Other  highlights  were  Norfolk  Premier
                       Association by Chairman
                          Selwyn Goldsmith                       reaching the final of the I.C.C again and Nor-
                          Selwyn Goldsmith
             folk Over 60’s winning the Eastern England Over 60’s League. In his Chairman’s Report, Selwyn
             Goldsmith of Hevingham SMBC spoke of the huge
             contribution Brian Saunders of Wymondham SMBC
             had made to the NCSMBA over many years as
             President, and formerly Vice Chairman and County
             Team Manager, before awarding Brian Life Mem-
             bership of the NCSMBA. During the President’s
             Closing Speech Brian Saunders awarded Secre-
             tary Jenny Walker with a President’s Distinguished
             Service award for her work since becoming Secre-
             tary of the NCSMBA.
                   The Treasurer Jon Sparham reported that the
             NCSMBA County Accounts were still in a healthy fi-
             nancial position and recommended that fees re-
             mained unchanged.
                   Over  60’s  Organiser  Teresa  Goldsmith  re-
                                                                         NCSMBA Secretary Jenny Walker
             ported the same situation on the Over 60’s Account.         NCSMBA Secretary Jenny Walker
                                                                        receives President's Distinguished
             Officer’s elected to serve for 2019/2020 were as fol-      receives President's Distinguished
                                                                        Service Award from Brian Saunders
             lows.  President  Brian  Saunders  (Wymondham),            Service Award from Brian Saunders
             Vice President Bob Oatway (First Bus), Chairman Selwyn Gold-
             smith (Hevingham), Vice Chairman Simon Willies (East Tudden-
             ham),  Secretary  Jenny  Walker  (Thorpe  Marriott),  Assistant
             Secretary Peter Walker (Thorpe Marriott), Treasurer Jon Sparham
             (Wymondham), Assistant Treasurer Elaine Willies (East Tudden-
                   Membership Secretary Teresa Goldsmith (Hevingham), As-
             sistant Membership Secretary Billie Barker (Wymondham), Com-
             petition  Secretary  Chris  Mann  (Wymondham),  Assistant
             Competition Secretary Jon Sparham (Wymondham), Press & Web
             Secretary Selwyn Goldsmith (Hevingham), Assistant Press & Web
             Secretary Chris Mann (Wymondham), Records Secretary Teresa
             Goldsmith (Hevingham), Umpires Officer Peter Walker (Thorpe                    Norfolk  News
             Marriott), Safeguarding Officer Teresa Goldsmith (Hevingham), As-               courtesy of
             sistant Safeguarding Officer Billie Barker (Wymondham).                      Selwyn Goldsmith
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