Page 28 - Autumn 2019
P. 28

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               28                                                                     GREAT
                                                                          HOUGHTON NEWS
                                                                          HOUGHTON NEWS
                                                                              South Northants
                                                                              South Northants
                                                                               Village League
                                                                               Village League
                                                                         After the NSMBA Winter Leagues fin-
                                                                         ish  in  February  some  of  the  South
                                                                         Northants SMB Club's come together
                                                                         to play in the Village League.
                                                                               This year 7 Clubs entered, which
                                                          Great          was a very healthy turnout, to play in a
                                                       Houghton          new format which would make playing
                                                                         more interesting while playing different
                Sarah Watts, Gordon Watts, Denese Watts,                 players as well.
                Sarah Watts, Gordon Watts, Denese Watts,
               Mark Canavan, Winifred Knight, Martin Watts,                    The new format was 2 Mats of
               Mark Canavan, Winifred Knight, Martin Watts,
                        Sheila Evans, & Sally Canavan                    Triples playing 3 Woods for 8 ends.
                        Sheila Evans, & Sally Canavan
                                                                         Then  after  the  tea  break  the  away
                                                                         team  remained  on  the  same  Mats
             The scoring was 2pts for a mat win, or 1pt each for a
             draw, and then an extra 2 pts for the winning team. But     while the home team swapped mat
             if it was 2 mats all at the end of the match, the team with
             the most shots would pick up the extra 2pts.
                   This new format and scoring system went down
             well with the teams in the league, and meant that every
             mat had its part to play in the result. In the end the
             Champions were Great Houghton on 81 points and a
             shots difference of +175. The Runners-up were Sher-
             ington on 65 points and +74 shots

                                                                             Cancer Research
                                                                             Cancer Research
                                                                                Charity event
                                                                                 Charity event
                                                                      Back in May last year I was diagnosed
                                                                      with Pancreatic Cancer! If that wasn't a
                                                                      big enough shock, then the news that my
                                                                      best chance of surviving this was to have
                                                                      a nine-hour stomach op (known as Whip-
                                                                      ple procedure) followed by six months of
                                                                      chemo was even greater!

                The Finalists Pytchley and Old Stratford
                The Finalists Pytchley and Old Stratford
              The  chemo  finished  in  December  and  then  in
              February I was told that my bloods were normal
              and a CT Scan showed all was clear! It's now
              blood tests, scans, & reviews for the next 5 years.
                   So, while I was going through chemo, I de-
              cided to put on a Charity Fours tournament at
              Great Houghton Village Hall, Northants in aid of
              Cancer Research UK.
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