Page 3 - Winter 2012
P. 3

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                                              tempt as no-one seems to want to ally wants to develop and       3
                                              part with their club details. Even  promote our sport around
                                              that first mailshot was from an    the World and sadly, all of
                                              unofficial club list.              the  governing  bodies  and  the
                                                   As stated in my secret sport World Council are basically only
                                              article,  it  appears  that  some inward looking, as it seems are
                                              counties  (or  possibly  most),  do most clubs.
                                              not want their clubs to get a free       I’m not suggesting that any
                                              copy of the magazine.              money is spent at this stage but
                                                   I have never understood the there must be ways of introduc-
            COVER PHOTO                       secret nature of our sport. I ask  ing our sport to other countries.
            COVER PHOTO
          Features Pauline Beattie            myself if some counties are afraid       Secondly, there is an article
          Features Pauline Beattie
          (Cassells) an outstanding           their  clubs  may  find  out  more asking  the  question  as  to  why
          (Cassells) an outstanding
          player and the first ever
          player and the first ever           than they want them to know?       ladies are less successful in this
                                                   This  issue  contains  a  lot
          Irish  Team  Captain  and           more  International  news  than    sport,  where  theoretically  we
          Irish  Team  Captain  and
                                                                                 should all be equal.]
          indeed  the  first  lady  to to
          indeed  the  first  lady            club news and 36 pages in total          Then  there’s  the  topic
          Captain  a  team  at  the           but I can publish more pages and   about the sports administration
          Captain  a  team  at  the
          British  Isles  Champi-             once again I wish I had more club  in England and whether or not a
          British  Isles  Champi-
          onships.                            news but I’ve published all that I  full  time  Administrator  would
            SHORT MAT CHAT                    have.  As mentioned elsewhere, I   make  a  real  difference  to  the
                                                                                 present and especially the future.
          At 48 pages my last issue was the   have  recently  been  in  contact        Please read the articles and
          largest I have ever published and   with  someone  in  the  Far  East  especially  the World’s  most  se-
          I also had the largest number of    who  wants  to  introduce  bowls   cret sport. To give an example,
          non-renewals, was it something I    into  China.  But  despite  an  ex-  this  issue  contains  a  Press  Re-
          said?  An  odd  coincidence  that   change  of  emails,  links  and    lease from the ESMBSA.
          was very disappointing.             YouTube videos etc.                      Did they bother to send it to
               It seems the more I put in          It seems that outdoor bowls   me? Of course not in their usual
          the less its appreciated BUT I was  was his initial target and Short   lazy  way,  had  I  not  stumbled
          staggered  at  the  generosity  of  Mat  was  not  the  thing  he  was  across  it  accidentaly,  it  would
          some renewals with the amounts      considering.  However,  I  won’t   otherwise  not  have  been  pub-
          they added and I would like to      give  up  trying  to  export  our lished.
          say a very big thanks, they have    sport.                                   DONATIONS WITH
                                                                                       DONATIONS WITH
                                                                                   RENEWALS ARE ALWAYS
          restored my faith and recharged          There are three articles in     RENEWALS ARE ALWAYS
                                                                                   VERY WELCOME AND IF
          my batteries.                       this issue on which I would like     VERY WELCOME AND IF
                                                                                     YOU WISH TO ADD A
               The last issue was also the    some    considered     feedback.       YOU WISH TO ADD A
                                                                                  POUND OR TWO TO YOUR
          first of my free mailshots to en-   Firstly, there is the Worlds most   POUND OR TWO TO YOUR
                                                                                       RENEWAL I WON’T
          courage more people to write in     secret  sport  and  I  reckon  its       RENEWAL I WON’T
          an possibly subscribe.              Short Mat Bowls.                             COMPLAIN!
          Sadly  it  looks  like  my  last  at-    It appears  that no-one re-           Weaf
               53c Moor View, Hatherleigh,
                53c Moor View, Hatherleigh,

                                   Devon EX20 3LB
                                    Devon EX20 3LB

                 My telephone and email remain the same:-
                 My telephone and email remain the same:-
                                Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449
                                Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449
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