Page 2 - May 2023
P. 2

Bobs Ramblings_Layout 1  23/04/2023  10:29  Page 1

                                                 I  included  a  couple  of       correspondent  in  Elaine
                   May 2023 No. 6
                   May 2023 No. 6
                                                 emails in the last issue         Gathercole with three arti-
                       The Editors               and I would say that we          cles and of course Selwyn
                       The Editors
                   Usual Ramblings               are  all  entitled  to  our      Goldsmith. If we were all as
                   Usual Ramblings
                                                 views but sadly this is          dedicated as Selwyn, Short
                                                 not always appreciated           Mat would be in a much bet-
                                                 by the powers that be,           ter place.
                                                 who prefer to run their                 Also,  Seamus  Kyne
                                                 fiefdom’s without com-           from  the  IIBA  has  been  a

                                                 ment from anyone out-            wonderful  help  over  the
                                                 side.                            years.  He  posted  off  the
                                                          I  have  stressed       scorecards from the British
                Hi folks,                        that if you ever disagree        Isles  Championships  and
                After I published the last       with anything I or others        sent  me  a  lot  of  photos.
                issue (March), I noticed         have  said,  I  have  no         Sadly, Royal Mail industrial
                that  the  previous  issue       problem if you write in          action delayed the post and
                from last year read Au-          and disagree and I will          the scorecards arrived after

                gust instead of Novem-           publish it, provided you         I  had  left  for  Spain  and
                ber  and  the  contents          are reasonably polite.           when I got back, I was not
                were repeated from Au-                   As you can see, I        able to compile a report in
                gust.                            am  also  prepared  to           the time available. But I re-
                       I  corrected  it  with    publish  letters/emails          ally appreciated his wonder-
                the  right  contents,  so        anonymously, again as-           ful efforts.
                please read but I’m not          suming they are polite                  I hope also to publish
                sure the correcting email        and not libellous etc.           the alternative PDF file in a

                I sent out made it clear?                The  only  proviso       section on the website.
                       Yep,  I  can  make        is that I know who you                  This  will  show  the
                mistakes  like  everyone         are so I am covered. At          magazine in a vertical page
                else  and  I’m  sorry  for       one point this was going         by page format, which may
                those that had sent in ar-       to be a very small issue.        make  each  page  more
                ticles.                                  Certainly       less     readable?
                       Just before I pub-        than I would have liked                 If I do get it published
                lished the last magazine,        at  the  end  of  the  au-       as  an  alternative  view,
                an ex-member of Bowls            tumn to spring season.           would  you  please  let  me
                Sweden’s Board sent me                   However  in  the         know what you think?
                her  resignation  letter         end  it  was  very  much                With  the  summer
                from the board of Bowls          more  than  I  feared  at        upon  us,  little  happens  in

                Sweden.                          one point                        our sports, so it may not be
                       One section made                  It  would  seem          until the autumn that a new
                it clear that the problem        that  our  sports  are  as       magazine is published.
                was  “Puppet  Master”            apathetic as usual and I                I will still be compiling
                Syndrome,  which  can            have taken the opportu-          whatever  I  get,  so  if  you
                adversely  affect  sport         nity  to  fit  in  some  bits    have something to say, let’s
                both  amateur  and  pro-         that I want to publish.          hear it.
                fessional.                               We  have  a  new                Bob W
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