Page 34 - May 2023
P. 34

Writing For IB_Layout 1  28/04/2023  10:39  Page 1

                                             Our sports need your news please!

                                             Yes! I am on my appealing quest for news yet again, which
                                             will be ongoing. A number of people over the years have said they
                                             do not have the courage to write an article or report but everyone can
                                             be assured that anything I get is spell and grammar checked, so there
                                             is no embarrassment. Indeed, over the 27+ years I printed the maga-
                                             zine, I had to check all of my work, which is now an ever more important
                                             necessity with my developing Dyslexia.
                                             One correspondent said

                          Your Sport             “Before I started to write for my club,
                         Needs your                   the only thing I had ever written
                                                         before was a shopping list.”

                                             And I would have to say that fits me to a “T” also. As a publishing any-
              thing, I am not looking for the Magna Carta, or anyone’s life story, just the story of your club’s event
              or triumph. I need the who, what, where and when. Whether you write it or leave it to me but the fol-
              lowing are the essentials:-
              1) Christian or first names and surnames of course.

              2) The scorecards from quarter finals onwards, scanned or photographed or
              posted OR just the final. The late and much missed Michael O’Shaughnessy to
              send his finals results as 1-0, 2-0, 2-2, and so on, thus no need for the cards. With-
              out Michael, just silence from the Cork Zone.

              3) The name of the event.
              4) A photo of the winners and runner(s)-up etc. either together or in separate
              photos, with who’s who in the photos. And please do not have words or signs etc.
              growing out of people’s heads, unless you can’t avoid it. Any light from a window
              should be on their faces and not behind them etc. etc. DO NOT MESS WITH PHO-
              TOS, LEAVE IT TO ME PLEASE.

              5) I must have a good story with maximum details as I will
              not include a photo without them, unless it is part of a
              larger article.

              If you look at the magazines website www.indoor there is an
              icon that brings up a help sheet on writing for the magazine. Also, look
              at other articles and see how they are written and the details they have
                     However, in many instances over the years, I have ghost written
              many articles or stories AND added their names as the authors as after
              all, they have supplied the details. Please supply all the necessary details as listed above and as
                                               many extra details as you can think of.
                                               Quite often I have contacted people for additional details. No matter
                                               which way you submit something, I can send a pdf file which most
                                               people can open and even print, for them to view and check the final
                                               article. Go for it!
                                                         If you want to chat about it you can call me on 0121
                                               318 7727 which will catch me wherever I am in the World
                                               or email me
                                                  There are hundreds of club and open competitions every season,
                                               so why not show what your club is doing for the sport you play. There
                                               are also a lot of charity events. Let’s hear about them?
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